I want to be president [Dan/naD Wilshire]

Day 1,106, 01:28 Published in South Korea USA by resita2009


My name is resita2009 and this month I want to take a short interview to all the candidates for Country Presidency, todey Dan/naD Wilshire

Before going to the questions i want to thank him for being so promt in sending the answers

1. For the beginning I would like a short description of yourself within 25 words.

Well, I am a politically inclined person. I dabble in economics. I like to think I am a nice enthusiastic person. I also like sharing my views and opinions.

2. Why do you candidate for CP?

I stand for CP as I want to bring change to South Korea. We have fallen into a “slump” which we need to climb out of and I want to help be a part of that. I want to unite the people of South Korea so we can work towards expanding our military and economic power.

3. What will you do in order to make a stronger and a dinamic army and to avoid moments like the loss of Jeju in a TW?

Well there are many different things we can do. We need to work on our military dynamics. I have proposed idea’s in my military part of my manifesto which I will summarise. We need to get all our troops friendly with one another. We need to get trust flowing between all members of the military. We need to fix the dynamics of our current military. We have to make sure we have the supplies and resources to accommodate action. Without trust and unity within the troops and the commanding officers we cannot have an organised military force. We don’t necessarily need a massive army to compete. A smaller well organised army can do just as much if not more damage than a larger unorganised force.

4. Is hard to de everything by yourself, therefore if you win the election who will be the persons who will be part of your team (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defence, Minister of Health, etc.)

I haven’t yet decided who will be where. I will be contacting a few people and offer them places. If I cannot fill in all the spaces I will ask the South Korean public and offer them the chance to be a part of my ministries.

5. What do you think about the current taxes in South Korean and do you plan changing them?

I believe that we need to encourage investment in South Korea. We have a poor economy (was 250 KRW a day about 3 weeks ago). We have very low taxes, but some are better suited than others. We have an abundance of grain and food so we don’t need to encourage import from there. We have a few Q5 tank companies so we don’t need to change tax there either. If anything I would say up income tax in some areas. Maybe 7%, and that low for an income tax. I lose 1.6 KRW a day in tax at the current 5% tax. With 7% income tax that would be 2.24 KRW. Considering I earn 32 KRW a day that’s not. That would probably be my only change to taxes if any at all.

6. According to Wikipedia, South Korea has a population of 48,875,00 people but less than 200 play E-Republik. How do yopu feel about that and how do you plan to bring more people into the game?

I believe we need to tap into the resource of potential players. In my home affairs manifesto. We need to tap into the internet users. We could use games or gaming forums to attract new players. If we got just a few hundred more active players it would have a huge effect on our military and economic power.

7 Peace or war with japan?

Defiantly peace as we should be at one with our Japanese neighbours. We need to forget our past disputes with them and work together to make the East stronger.

8. How many companies do you own and what kind of?

I currently only own an Iron company. Previously I have run food, grain, wood, oil, guns, helicopters and artillery companies.

Good Luck

Yours faithfully , resita2009 congressman in Gyeongsangnam-do