I suppose yas want policies…

Day 2,966, 08:10 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

All right, since it’s proper form to tell you what I think we should try to accomplish, here’s what I think we should try to accomplish. 😛

Foreign stuff- While we are still theoretically a pro-Asteria country, we have a number of MPP’s with Pacifica countries, some issues with Orion countries (e.g. Peru), and membership in NEBULA.

There is nothing intrinsically wrong with any of that, but it could lead people to wonder just how loyal we are to our traditional allies. I’d like a good long chat with the soon-to-be-former administration about their long term plans for eAustralian alliances, before discussing MPP renewals with Congress.

Warsies- I’m for them, we’ll come up with something. 😉

Domestic stuff- Yeah it is certain that democracy will be up for discussion. My position is that while we have done our best to maintain a “democratic dictatorship,” that is an oxymoron that cannot be sustained indefinitely. More to come on this topic…

Money stuff- A brief glance at the market a few hours ago showed me that 2 of 3 WRM sellers were eAussies selling at the going international rate... But the cheapest Q7’s were 5-15% (or more) higher than top 10 countries' prices.

I think it would be good to get the weaps prices down, so we could at least get taxes from the sale of them- I myself haven’t bought tanks in eAus for yonks. So I’m considering a proposal to reduce the import taxes for weapons.

Also renting a region or 2 seems to be good fiscal policy for eAus, so I’ll see if we might line something up there.

Cabinet stuff- Still up in the air, for the most part, although FreeGigi says he’ll take on PM, so long as I don’t make him do any work. We’ll see about that.

People who are interested in cabinet positions, please PM me for a better deal than you’ll get if I come tapping you on the shoulder. 😃

Talk to me, peoples, tell me what’s on your mind so we can try to work on improving things.

Don't forget to vote on the 5th!

