I Respectfully Ask To Serve

Day 1,197, 20:19 Published in USA USA by Alexander Valkor II

Good evening America. As many can see, our nation is facing some tough times. We have growing political instability with the military and the political communities. Our domestic security was rocked by the surprise showing from the group known only as "iNCi" and now we face invasion on our borders.

I now place my candidature for the Presidency of the United States of America.

An Honor To Serve

It has been an honor to serve America. Most of my experience is mid level foreign affairs, some Congress and substantial military experience. From working in the State Department, to working multiple terms in Congress to reaching the Joint Chiefs of Staff, I have seen this nation from the inside and out... from all perspectives and I've had the pleasure of being around for over two years.

A year and half ago, our nation was invaded by PEACE. Our domestic political situation was divided and we faced the most powerful alliance in the game shortly after we had a falling out with our traditional allies Romania, Croatia, the United Kingdom and Spain. The war saw us nearly be defeated.

Allow Me To Serve

Today, we are in a similar situation, America and we must unite to defeat the domestic enemies and foreign threats. I swore an oath, to defend America against all enemies, be them foreign and/or domestic... so in this coming time of chaos, division and instability, I humbly ask that you have me serve as your Chief Diplomat, Chief Executive and Commander in Chief... the President of the United States of America.

My Vice Presidential Running Mate

I will be running with none other than the most interesting man alive, our very own Media Mogul, Gulden Draak. Gulden and I come from different places, and have different ways of analyzing any given situation. With Gulden as my Vice President, I would always have an alternative viewpoint, from someone I trust and will work with to better serve America, her interests and most of all, the American people.

I will be releasing my platform on March 2nd, so please be sure to subscribe so that you may be able to keep tabs on our political goals, platform and the official announcement of our cabinet.

Sir Valaro Volcrum
All American Patriot