I Never Thought I'd See The Day...

Day 847, 15:16 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner

1002 citizens.

Gosh, Israel. It has been awhile since I first joined. When I joined, Israel had less than 600 citizens and an unstable political imbalance. Now, months later, new parties have emerged out the shadows of the past, and we're pretty even. Now we have more than 1000 citizens.

It can only go up from here Israel. There are many things in our future. It's a bright one, no doubt. We can finally rise out of the ashes and become the country we're always wanted to be, meant to be.

Sure, this is going to take a long time. Hell, it took us months to get to this position. As we all know, eIsraelis aren't the best listeners, no offense to all of you, and we don't along as well as we should.

But don't worry, things are going to change.

Things will change, things will have to change. Although we're growing, those 400-odd citizens we've gained, some could be channers. We have a battle ahead of us Israel. We need to be focused, we need to stay in the game, or else...well...it's not a pretty picture.

And although the challenges are great, and although we have a lot to overcome, we will overcome it, because we have in the past.When Turkey was at our doors, we didn't bow down. We did not give in, and we won't give in.

Every country has it's trying times, ones that make boys into men, and men into leaders.Israel has more than it's fair share, and it's time we showed the world we can become something more than "That little country that Turkey's always bothering"

We can be more Israel.

We will be more.

"The battle's almost won, and we're only several miles from the sun"
-Maroon 5, The Sun

Over and out,