I'm allergic to Dairy Products

Day 828, 08:54 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter


I'd like to ask the people who are creeping into my bedroom at night and rubbing butter into my skin to stop, and I'd like to thank Mr Woldy for pointing it out to me. If not i'll have to set up a video camera and secretly film you then i'll sell and market it as a home made horror video like paranormal activity and it will have a really hardcore fan base but most people will think it is rubbish and will get bored but will stay right until the end to see if anything scary happens and then will be disappointed and will end up walking about really disgruntled i will then use the money to pay for anti-rash treatment and to pay laywers to take you to court for breaking into my house and performing these cruel and malicious acts to me.
