Day 785, 21:16 Published in United Kingdom Russia by Graigon Holdings

I knew it! I knew the eUK secretly loved me 😃 Now if only I could get Serbia to admit it...

But really, in all seriousness, I think me getting mentioned in a eUK competition (where everyone who participates has already lost) is just another way of them trying to vent their frustration at completely sucking at trolling. To remind the eUK of their suck, I've compiled a list.

Hmm, something is terribly wrong in that picture. And don't get at me, the eUK made the dumb poster!
- You guys start a RW AFTER a battle, compounding the FAIL.
- You betrayed your long time allies for another alliance for a Q5 hospital, then that alliance collapses six months later, with MUCH thanks to you.
- Within days, you lost all of your Canadian held territories to RWs.
- It took Greece attacking Turkey, Romania being attacked, and the eUSA being tied up, for you to FINALLY (barely) take Belgium.
- You didn't re-sign your MPP with France, which then allowed Spain to gain a border with you. You then told the French how great of friends you two were.
- You introduce a meme that has no relevance to the game because you felt that Poland being so huge made your ePeen look smaller.
- You attacked Norway, activating a Romanian MPP, which would allow roughly 6 EDEN countries to all be fighting you at once.
- You share six borders with EDEN.
- You made all of your citizens spend money on MTs for an invasion that never happened.
The list goes on and on and on, but it's really late right now and the eUK really isn't worth my time.

With love, JeepAmerica

article is a joke, only humor, nothing serious here.