I have the solution!

Day 1,202, 08:58 Published in Belgium Belgium by Manong Z

The Oligarchy question, whether the BfB, holds an enormous power in Belgian politics in terms of 2-clicking vote is an affirmative, that is true. The BfB has dominated this country's politics ever since the party was officially founded, also giving me the privilege to be its first Party President.

Here are some things you should've considered though:

1. If the BfB wasn't powerful, there would be no Belgium. Fight me on that, but I will not give a long explanation here.

2. It is not BfB's fault that the parties in this nation have become soft. I see that there is no longer any more competition here, there's no cutting each others' throats (like old times), we're all playing the nice people. Well, we can't have democracy if everyone conforms to the current socio-political trend, don't yo think? And I do praise those who are few that speak up what they really think!

Here are some things you SHOULD consider now!

1. As former PP of the BfB, I have proposed this

Yes, the Belgian Party "Confederation". I have not truly outlined the workings for the Party Confederation, but hoping it would be successful, I had other plans, my plans were:

> To create this democracy that we have been talking about, let us first create a CODE of Mutual Trust. This code will be agreed upon by every Party President of every party in the nation.

> To create a united list of Congress Members every month. This is optional as it is very tedious to organize.

> To create a UNITED presidency through party caucus and REAL public debates through the IRC and the Forum.

2. So the point is my third point. We have the ability to have DEMOCRACY. So for those who are interested, listen!

* We simply create a inter-party caucus in the forums. We make manual polls to really know what the ACTIVE citizens want.

* We create forum debates where everyone can ask questions to the presidential hopefuls. The forum admins would be so willing to assist.

* We create public IRC live debates.

* Then we create a final poll. The person that EVERY ACTIVE Belgian has voted for will be supported by ALL parties of Belgium as Country President.

3. So here is a solution, now it's up to you. It's not the Visa, it simply is us. We need to agree on something before we can disagree on it. So consider this one.

I love you all, so here, have some nice cookies.

Cakes & Cookies,

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