I have an anouncement to make

Day 955, 12:39 Published in Canada Canada by Duke Leto

I have an announcement to make. Seeing as how I am losing in every poll taken and have almost zero support from all parties, I hereby decree that I am leaving this game as of the 26th of July. I thought I had my chance, but as always it went up in smoke because of my inability to advertise and lack of substance.

I congratulate my victors. May you try and fight the cloud of v2 in your offices. You are an obvious choice above me and I hope you do not send this country down the shitter.

To my friends, colleagues and admirers. I am deeply sorry to leave you. It must be done. there is a world beyond this place. I must explore it.

To my enemies: Good game.

I have made up my mind. Have a nice day everyone.