I have a Broner for Spain!

Day 844, 13:24 Published in Spain USA by Bradley Reala

"Gloria, gloria, corona de la Patria,soberana luzque es oro en tu color."
You guys have a penguin bowling awesome flag, by the way.

Well, I stumbled a bit on this one. I was planning to post this a few days ago, but I was appointed Secretary of State for the eUSA and got sidetracked. Still, I want you guys to know that we still love you! Spain has been with the eUSA through thick and thin. Whether it was the worst days of World War Three, where PEACE GC was rampaging over Spain, Canada, and the USA, or the best days when you guys got your revenge on those Frenchmen who thought they could defeat such a freaking awesome country. To this day the eUSA owes Spain a debt of gratitude.

A little more intimate than my last few, but that's the way we are, right Spain? 😉

We've gone through so much for each other, and we're not about to stop. We're brothers, Spain, and we always will be. We've got your backs, and you've got ours. There's nothing that can tear us apart! Just know, bros,

Now that I have subscribers who aren't just Americans, but are Bros in general, vote this to show another bro some lovin'!

Oh and Spain, how about setting me up with her:

Come on, do it for a Bro. 😃