I Denounce You

Day 427, 11:57 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

THIS IS MY PERSONAL VIEWS AND IS IN NO WAY AFFILIATED WITH MY PARTY. It's not exactly like you need anything else to attack us with is it guys? And yes, I'm talking to Dish and to a lesser extend, shadow. when I started eRepublik, I looked up to these people as figures of authority. Now I realise the simple fact. You're bullies.

That's right, I've said it. I expect to receive a lot of hate over this, but hopefully people will understand reason. Firstly has anyone noticed how rude these 2 are to people? They run around insulting people and having huge rants and get away with it. If it was anyone else we would be telling them to stop. But no, they are well respected, political figures within the eUK so it makes it perfectly acceptable. NO IT DOES NOT.

I am sick to death of every way I turn, those two are constantly slagging off anything to do with the MDU, and anything that upsets the established order.The house of Lords for example. Dish has fought against reforms so hard, and for no apparent reason apart from it challenges the status quo. And Shadow, insulting our party members, including someone who a lot of people hold in great esteem and I want you to apologise to Tommy Tommasino. And this MDU helpline stuff, it was set up to help the people and not to boost MDU membership, but no, we're out to corner people into joining the MDU aren't we? I'm sick to death of seeing you launch long rants about this and that and intimidating people, telling them that they don't have enough experience, making them feel like they don't count and that their opinions aren't worthwhile.

Well I count. And so does everyone on those forums, everyone has a right to speak up and to have their views counted without fear of them being torn down and dismissed. And Dish, I don't care if you're on of the best Presidents we ever had. I don't care that you're an established member of the community.And Shadow, I don't care that you set up the forums. You're meant to be watching out for this thing, not doing it. You're a hypocrite. I expect I'm going to be attacked for this article, yelled at, told I know nothing, that I'm lying, whatever. I don't care someone has to stand up to you and it's going to be me. Vote this article up if you're sick of older members thinking they can boss everyone around and do what they like. Vote it up if you believe in democracy, and fair and open debates,and a right for anyone to post without feeling intimidated. Vote this up if you believe in what the eUK stands for. Say no to bullies.

IndieKid, Congressman