Day 1,015, 12:18 Published in Czech Republic USA by Joseph Scarn

Our glorious country is under fascist attack by fascist attackers! They are attacking! Because they are fascist! If they were communist they wouldn't be fascist attackers! But wait, heres some RL political crap that no one cares about! The Red people are red and they are red and being red is the best color to be and if your wondering why I just write in giant paragraphs its because the fascist pigs are fascist and trying to fascist up the glorious glory of the glorious glorified czech socialist republic that is not fascist because the fascist aren't red i don't know what color they are but i know they aren't red and wow is this hurting your eyes to read this much text without variable sentence structure or paragraph breaks? Can't I just write some bullets or something so that you can understand what I'm trying to say to you about the fascists? Oh yeah vintage propaganda poster break!

[img]Ooops I have an extra img tag have you noticed how that always seems to happen in my articles? Anyways I hope I get a lot of votes for this piece of crap I call valid literature but really its just RED RED RED RED COMMUNIST COMMUNISM GLORIOUS RED GLORY OF RED GLORY RED RED sorry about that just had a little spasm there but I think i'm better now maybe the FASCIST FASCIST UNRED BLUE OR GREEN OR BLACK FASCIST FASCIST ENEMIES OF GLORY RED RED RED COMMUNISM COMMUGAAAAAAAASM![/img]