Hungary goes for broke in failed attack, USA defending 6 states

Day 663, 17:38 Published in USA Australia by Aeros


Today’s edition will go over current events as well as those that led up to them. Croatia just fended off a massive Hungarian attack that quite literally broke the bank for the PEACE heavyweight while Greece fended off another useless attack by Turkey. In North America, the United States is now facing off against a resurgent PEACE offensive and is defending 6 states. In Asia, Japan has more or less accepted defeat at the hands of the Theocrats with grace while Colombia is busily trying to prepare its people for a potential coup.


When the ATLANTIS alliance came unglued some months ago, the United States was for the first time in years, outside any structured treaty of protection with other nations. Believe it or not, both EDEN and FORTIS were proposed Alliances at the outset of war. Even now, neither have a formal charter. No doubt this fact is what convinced the powers that be in PEACE that they could secure North America’s high resource regions through the use of their numerous open MPP’s. This has been PEACE’s stated war aim, not the total annihilation of the USA, even they know that’s impossible. They had hoped that by taking over North America’s high resource regions they would deny the USA the economic capacity to be a world power while simultaneously strengthening their own economies. What they probably did not expect was the level to which Europe decided to get involved. Shortly after the full scope of the PEACE invasion became apparent, the European Nations began jumping into the conflict on the North American side. Instead of the rapid blitz PEACE had planned for, they got a global conflict that has spread across the entire planet. This spread of the war was driven largely by PEACE in an effort to deprive the United States and Canada of allies so as to make the conquest easier.

Since this strategy of invasions across the planet went foreword, four countries have lost independence to PEACE invasions. Those four being Canada, Switzerland, North Korea and Spain. Canada and Spain have returned from annihilation, while North Korea and Switzerland remain under PEACE occupation. Additionally, PEACE has launched invasions of Greece and Croatia in an effort to distract allied coordination and possibly take more land for PEACE member states currently bordered by enemy states. A side effect of this policy was the displacement of the Theocrats from Switzerland. The Theocrats decided they would revenge themselves by making a new home in the PEACE member state of Japan. This resulted in the Japanese-Theocrat war which ended with the Theocrats securing control of the South Korean government from Japan.

As the United States came within inches of wiping out the last open MPP front in North America, the failure of PEACE to secure its war aims had become apparent. Rather then losing with grace PEACE decided to drag South America into the mess by bribing the Colombian government and offering them protection from reprisal. If the United States is not wiped out in the coming offensive (an unlikely outcome), South America will for the first time be open to a full MPP front on the part of the United States should the USA decide to go that route.

Furthermore, the cost of the war since its start has been inordinately massive. While the United States has suffered major infrastructure damage, PEACE has invested months, if not year’s worth of economic output into the conflict. Even with this huge investment, the only PEACE member state to have benefited is Iran, who currently occupies two Canadian territories. This probably explains the desperation of PEACE GC. The amount of money blown on this conflict is so large, both from Government funds and Personal Bank Accounts, that the thought of it having been for nothing is probably something that cannot be accepted.


Russia has opened up a multiple front against the United States and is tanking the strategic ones. At this point, the USA probably cannot afford to keep pace with the Russian tank fund (which is funded by every PEACE member state). And really, the USA does not have too. While the economic boost from our states is nice, none of them have any inherent strategic value because the entire infrastructure in these states has been destroyed during the last assault. Furthermore, the power base of the USA is in Florida behind a wall that is 1,350,000 points strong. This is the largest fortress in the history of eRepublik. It would cost around 3,000 gold just to declare an attack on Florida, and god knows how much to deal enough damage in a 24 hour period to bring it down WITHOUT Allied resistance, let alone with it. And of course, the fall of Florida (if possible) would be a mixed blessing for PEACE, because that would mean all the MPP’s would close, and the inevitable resistance war would erupt, with the entire population of the USA in enemy territory. One wonders what Russia hopes to get out of this offensive other then more wasted gold and a News forum spammed with 3 sentence articles 24/7. It’s likely they think the USA is still interested in signing a peace treaty. But that day has probably come and gone; much like the day PEACE thought they could invade North America with minimal repercussions. An interesting note is Russia’s movement towards Hungarian occupied regions. Since Hungary does not have an open MPP in the Russia-USA war, it’s possible the two countries are planning a region swap to extend Hungarian territory along the Canadian border. Strategic planners should probably figure out a way to prevent this if they have not thought of it already.


Hungary just spent her entire national treasury on a failed attack against Croatia. The target was North West Croatia. This is a highly strategic region for the Croats, possessing double Q5’s and a population of 2500. Its loss would have seriously damaged Croatia, especially had it come on the heels of a Serbian victory in Slavonia (which was probably funded by Hungary as well). This attack seems to have been driven more by Nationalism then strategic interest. True, it did distract the United States from defending her own territory. But as was stated above, the USA does not really have to go all out to defend like PEACE has to go all out to attack. The only American state that truly matters is Florida. Furthermore, it was unlikely that Hungary or Serbia would have been able to keep up this attack into other regions, or defend those they conquered in the face of Croatia’s long list of MPP’s. The effort that the Hungarians put into the attack defies logic, not the least that conservative estimates put the gold spent between 12,000 and 18,000. The failure to take even a single Croatian region is a monumental one as consequence. It is also a failure that cannot really be assuaged by Russia getting a couple more useless North American regions for today.


Colombia has heard about the eTerrorist plot to PTO their government (a coup). What they don’t know how to do is stop it. In truth, if a determined effort to PTO the Colombian government goes foreword, there is not much they can do. Their population is far too small. The caveat is that a good PTO takes a long time to plan and execute. This means nothing is likely to happen any time soon, possibly not even in the next congressional elections. Even so, a successful coup in Colombia would be a major boon for the Allied powers. Some would argue that this is unethical. It could also be argued it is unethical to break the spirit of an NAP and back stab an unsuspecting neighbor. Either way, this is a World War. Certain niceties were left by the way side a long time ago. When the fates of entire countries hang in the balance, no one truly has the luxury to play nice.


Russia is opening multiple fronts to spread US damage around. Honestly, the best strategy to counter this is to build up small walls and wait to see which regions Russia plans to tank in. Unfortunately, this requires a level of coordination that the USA has not yet achieved. The proof can be found no further then the hoard of two-clickers who stubbornly insist on fighting Colombia. This strategy of mass attack will probably work for Russia, as PEACE has a numerical superiority of Tanks. They should be able to secure at least one new state every 24 hours. Of course, the USA can afford to be patient in the face of this attack. Eventually Russia will run out of maneuver room and will soon have to make do or die attacks that risk returning initiative to the USA once more. They will also soon face the unpalatable prospect of sharing a border with Canada again. Either case will make this offensive unsustainable over the long run. With Russia’s Colombian “Ace in the Hole” played, the USA has all the time in the world to save up funds for her inevitable counter attack.