HrBjorn's AIDS, Stente

Day 1,018, 07:09 Published in Denmark Bulgaria by HrBjorn

It's late in the evening, HrBjorn got a raging hangover which he tries to kill with scotch, and it's working, so pretty badass.

Stente is, as the right on time-man he is, right on time. Twelve minutes past eight, sharp.

HrBjorn greets him in the door, takes his coat and show him around the house. The tour de HrBjorn crib ends in the living room, where the interview is bound to happen.

HrBjorn: Hello, Stente!

Stente: Hi there, MrBear.. It's nice to be here, you know, with all the spotlight and such.. Oh, can I have a glass of water before we start, my throat is kinda sore..

HrBjorn goes to the kitchen and comes back with a glass of water, because HrBjorn is such a great host.

Stente: AAH, that's better - now, hit me with those questions!!!

HrBjorn: Well, let's start with, well, the start! When did you start playing erepublik?

Stente: Well, due to my superior brain I have always participated in eRepublik on some kind of level.. However, my official eRep-birthday is day 867 of The New World..
Did you by any chance know, that the year 867 was the year that the Macedonian dynasty started ruling over Byzantina?
Well, neither did I, but Wikipedia is one of my good friends..

HrBjorn: No. HrBjorn did not know that random piece of information.

Already here Stente was starting to get drunk, yeah he thought it was water, but HrBjorn just poured him a nice glass of vodka, apparently Stente is a really bad taster.

HrBjorn: How was eDenmark at that point?

Stente: Quite frankly, I like to think of eDenmark as a good Emmentaler - it just keeps getting better as the time goes by..
When I first arrived in eDenmark, it smelled.. I mean really, it actually stank..
Now I think things are changing, and I like to think of myself as THE yeast, that makes the Emmentaler perfect!!!

HrBjorn: So HrBjorn can gather that you're a cheeshead, then! But, Stente, what have you done in your eLife so far?

Stente: To quote one of my idols, George Best, "I spent 90% of my money on women and drink. The rest I wasted"
The first couple of months I used to acclimatise myself, getting to learn the game.. I then started wondering if I should get my own company..
Then came V2, and I needed some time to acclimatise myself again - now that part is over, and I'm thinking of joining the food business..
Also, I have volunteered for DCA, helping with surveys and other stuff..
Oh, and as a 2.stint congressman I still haven't missed a voting!

Now we both started to be a little drunk, Stente for example began to use a lampshade as a hat. He is such a party-starter. HrBjorn however was everlasting calm, allthough he will admit, that he took a piss behind the couch. In retrospect, not that smart since it was his own house.

HrBjorn: So how do you feel being interviewed by HrBjorn?

Stente: I feel awesome.. Really, I do.. I think HrBjorn is awesome ("for interviewing me as well.." at the end of Stente's sentence was lost in the proces of writing this article)

Now we started making White Russians, why we did that HrBjorn can't really remember, because there was still a lot of scotch left, and vodka. Anyways.

HrBjorn: Got milk?

Stente: Hell yeah, but only letmælk.. I just can't understand those tardheads that waste their money on minimælk, sødmælk or skummetmælk - what the F is going on in their head?
Now I won't even get started with those liking kærnemælk.. Those guys are just too weird for me!
You know what I'm saying?

HrBjorn: No, HrBjorn does not. HrBjorn is an all out minimælk kind of man, it just taste so smooooth. Anyways, did you know that eThailand sucks?

Stente: No? As far as I know, Thailand is one of the cheapest places for men to get permanent tits.. And I'm not talking of fat, so-called mantitties - I'm talking nice, soft and firm silicone..
All men should have boobs, that way there would be much less sexual harassment and much fewer lawyers.. My god I don't like lawyers..

HrBjorn: The future, what will you do?

Stente: I would like for everyone to get introduced to The Annoying Orange:
He's one funny mofo!

Also, I would like to be in control of "My Hill" without A. Holst forcing his way with some kind of shitty weapon.. Jesus, is guns and tanks and planes the only things he's able to come up with?
My demented grandmother could do better than that..
Hmm, perhaps she could be my next method of conquering the hill.. Perhaps she could take A. Holst somewhere dark and make him a happier man? You know, by taking him to heaven..

Literally I mean, nothing sexual!!

Uh, gotta go - Reservoir Dogs is shown on 6'eren!

Then Stente tried to get his coat on, but somehow ended half-naked in the hallway sound asleep with a glass of White Russian next to his side.

The next interview will be published in a couple of days!