How to Stop a PTO

Day 847, 15:25 Published in Philippines USA by Judean Princess" width="550" height="250">

The three secrets to successfully blocking a foreign political takeover

Preventing a political take-over isn’t an easy task, but it’s one which many governments are faced with over time. To start with I will explain what a PTO is, and then we’ll go on to cover the three ‘secrets’ of how to stop one.

“Political take-over” is a term used for when an external group of citizens, from outside of the entity in question, join that entity for the express purpose of using democracy to take control. So if citizens join a party to vote in one of their friends then that is a PTO. If foreign citizens gain citizenship in a country and vote in a member as CP that is a PTO.

Most PTO’s run in three stages. Usually the first stage is that one or two members sneak into a country and gain the confidence of a PP and run for congress. Once elected they grant citizenship to 20+ members of their country. Then they use those PTO citizens to take over a party, usually the largest if they can. Once they have done so they will run their members for congress, and hopefully secure more citizenship requests. Finally, with a majority of congress the TO’d country donates all assets to the ‘mother’ organisation of the TO group. At this point they either leave, or in some cases they use their citizenship granting powers to TO the presidency as well, which gives them the power to declare war, retreat regions and so on.

TO groups are usually led by highly organised, highly experienced groups of mercenaries with no qualms about destroying the hard work citizens put into a country. As a result of this, they are almost unstoppable once they successfully get into the late stages of a take-over. The trick is to stop them as early as possible- and this brings us onto the secrets of preventing a PTO.

A good intelligence service

Intelligence services aren’t all about sneaking around with laser watches and tracking devices in tins of deodorant. Most RL intelligence services are there to deal with domestic threats, and this is what the intelligence service of a small country like the ePhilippines must be like. We need to make every citizen an agent. We need to report suspicious activity immediately and take steps against it. Here are the important things a country must do to protect itself:

Contact new congressmen immediately

Inform them NOT to grant citizenship to ANYONE without the express permission of the Ministry of Citizenship.

Monitor all citizenship requests

Creating a Minister to oversee citizenship requests, investigate individuals and then message congressmen with instructions to approve safe candidates is essential in preventing TOs. The biggest cause of PTOs is stupid congressmen letting in bad players because of poor investigation.

Blacklist all unsafe candidates and publish the list in a newspaper

If you do this it shows PTOers you are watching for them. Often they’re there for a cheap robbery, and like robbers in real life will move on to an easier target. If you are being PTO’d, it’s probably because you’re a soft target to them.


Good communication is *ESSENTIAL* to stopping a PTO. And this comes in three main bits.

Communication with parties

Political Parties must be communicated with as much as possible. If a PTOer is running in a party they must be identified, and the best people to do that are the ones in the party. If someone nobody recognises is running, a lot of multis or recently foreign citizens are found, then it is probably a PTO. Parties with PTO candidates should choose who runs by forum poll, or agree to re-run the existing PP.

Communication with citizens

Two clickers aren’t stupid. They have changed the world a hundred times over. Remember, many PTO groups are majority two clickers. Governments should message all citizens over 40 wellness 3 times a month telling them to hold their votes in check and wait for instructions. The best way to stop a PTO in its tracks is to have a publicly accessible Google doc with all candidates, who is a PTO candidate, and where citizens should vote. Then you simply message all citizens the night before the election with the link, and they check when they wake up and move to vote against the PTO. The doc can be updated throughout the day. At the party stage this is easy. Once your citizens are outnumbered it is impossible. So catch them early.

Communication with each other

The people who can cause a PTO to succeed are those running for election. If you put your electoral success before your countries safety then you are asking to lose it. Just because the other guy refuses to back down doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. It’s important to be the bigger person and put your country first- even if the other guy is an idiot. Countries have been deleted from the map before because two enemy politicians both ran and split the local vote allowing a PTOer to win.

The Showdown

Eventually you need to showdown the PTOers. The best way to do this is at the ballot box. The first few citizens to begin the PTO are there as a vanguard. Their job is to sneak in and put down roots. They don’t want to be in your country, and have not invested much into it yet. If you can beat them at the ballot box when they’re PTOing parties then they’ll probably just leave and try somewhere else.

Once they have got into your country and issued citizenships it is much more dangerous. They have invested time and money and probably made some risks getting that far. They won’t give up easily. However there are solutions event then. Message all party members, and ask them to leave and join the 6th place party. This way the party can’t run candidates. Message other parties and ask them to send members to their members to do the same.

If they manage to get citizens into the country, record which congressmen let them in and ban them from re-running. Try and get ‘blockers’ for every region so that every party runs the maximum number of safe candidates. If the worst comes to the worst, concentrate all native votes in one region and retreat the others to a friendly neighbour to prevent a PTO. This however costs gold and resources and is a last resort- in a sense if you have to do this the PTOers have won.

Finally, enlist your allies help. You have x amount of safe friendly congressmen who can grant citizenships. Get allied armies to come with troops to vote out the PTOers. If they lose all their congressmen then their PTO has failed for a whole month, and they will probably give up. Report all suspicious citizens as multi accounts, as this is a common way of PTOing countries. Anyone with no newspaper, few shouts and working infrequently could be a multi. If they donate currency to anyone this is also a good sign, as few citizens bother to donate currency, and it is probably simply their entire wage.

multi accounts have no personality

I said ages ago that the Philippines was going to be PTO’d, but nobody listened. I hope that you will take the advice of an experienced congress member and e😜resident and take action to prevent this PTO going any further.

The strength of a country, as I have said, is in its unity and its determination. Now is not the time to blame others for failing to act, but to get on with the job of competently protecting our country.

Thank you for reading,

Judean Princess