How to get ''MOAR'' endorsement in 3 easy step.

Day 956, 18:49 Published in Canada Canada by Chucky Norris

Say you and your election team are getting desperate to get elected. Well there is always a few possibility out there that you can use. I will not name them all, but here is a quick one you can use.

*this rely on a few condition being in placed prior to this

Step 1

First find a Party President that would rather get some monies than put a good election on the table. If the said Party President is pissed at some people, all the better.


Once the right candidate has been selected, you will be able to move on to the next phase. Of course crossing your fingers in the hope that the said PP will honor it always help.

Step 2

Find a common ground, wheter it is cabinet position, gold, ho*'s there is always something you can bargain!

Step 3

Conclude the transaction by sending the gold, or find other way to officialise the deal.


Normally you should use an anonymous org to avoid any backlash from this in the media. However, some people have different concept of the word secrecy...


And that's it you are done.

Congratulation to Kazuo Leblanc, you just bought a 276 members party endorsement to your buddy Jefflav.


Of course I doubt it will translate in that many votes, but one can always hope!

I would like also to applaud the engenuity of Pimpdollaz on this one, I think he did what was best for him, wich is perfectly understandable in this situation as he was prevented from running for congress and other shenanigans. Kudos to the man with the strong hand.

Kudos to my good friend Fox Blutch for the graphic input as well!