How to fight

Day 936, 09:19 Published in USA Japan by Arya8

So you, as a new player, might be thinking, "How do I do hundreds of damage like that Bia Pandora person?" The answer: you can't yet. But, there are some ways that you can better help your country.

1. Fight at maximum wellness

Wellness dictates how well you can fight. Thus, you want it at a hundred (maximum). You can raise it by LIVING IN A REGION W/ A Q5 HOSPITAL (Move to California or Florida) and by buying a house and some food. Houses will keep giving you a wellness boost, whereas food will give you some only once, then disappear. Also, work in a Q1 job for a while to help your wellness stay up. If you do fall behind, ask for some gifts from a friend to help you keep your wellness up. Here is a daily schedule:

Fight 5 times, heal IN THE Q5 HOSPITAL, work, buy food, train. The training is important because it helps raise your damage.

2. Slowly raise your damage

a. Train

Training is easy. Just find train from my places and click it. This slowly increases base damage.

b. Fight

The more you fight, the better your rank gets. Thus, you do more and more damage.

3. Buy weapons

Try to fight with as many Q1 weapons as possible. DO NOT USE A Q5 UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. 5 Q1s does more damage for less cost than 1 Q5 and 4 no weapon fights.

4. Know where to fight

Do not fight randomly. This accomplishes little more than nothing. Instead, use the DoD orders for where to fight, and fight only on your last login OR in the final minutes of a battle. This gives less chance for counterattack and ensures that your damage is put to good use. However, if the DoD says fight in a training war, and you see the alert "USA attacked Far Eastern Russia. Fight for your country." FIGHT THERE. In real wars against Phoenix, we need all the help we can get.

5. Join the military

We are at war, so join if you can make the commitment. The military does all the important fighting and mass attacks regions. We have taken down huge walls in minutes. The TC also teaches you everything you need to know, so it's good for you as well as your country. Oh, and did I mention FREE WEAPONS?

Thanks for reading,
