How long will it go on for Spain?

Day 2,094, 16:07 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

It's been 8 months. 8 long months.
We have had glimers of hope and false promises. We have lost friends who have had enough with it all who have either left to other countries or the game all together. Half of our previous population is gone.


But how long will it go on eSpain? How long will you continue to neglect your alliance? How long will you continue to ignore your friends battles for a constant pathetic goal to keep Canada wiped?

Let's look at more facts shall we?

Ranked 38th Nationally
Active Citizens: 1,189
Fighters? Half that then half it again. That's on a good day.
No congress since April 2013 (Has been wiped longer)
Alliance: ASGARD - Opposed to TWO - No chance.

Ranked 6th Nationally
Active Citizens: 8,445
Fighters? Pretty much all of them.
Control vast amounts of land,most of which isn't needed but held out of spite.
Alliance: TWO - International superpower.

Let's look at why Spain wiped Canada in the first place...
From Spain's perspective we deserved it, we attacked the eUK (nothing uncommon) and went for a good ol' gangbang. It would have never ended in a perm wipe, and we attacked to aid our Norwegian brothers who were being attacked by the UK.

Fun Fact:
The eUK + eCanada had been having wars for years, it was enjoyed by both sides as we were evenly matched.

However, Spain attacked us, it was no surprise and things got worse with the way it was dealt with at the time. People laughed, we continued to fight. However, this was EIGHT MONTHS AGO.

What are the lasting effects of the wipe on eCanada?

Firstly it has totally killed the political game. Every party is dead, no BAW which is the best part of politics in every country, everyone is united to kick Spain out. Aye, it's what has to be done but it's boring.
Secondly, it has killed the community. I don't mean a few people leaving and the loss of some money, I mean TOTALLY killed the community. Canada has lost half it's population, it has also suffered greatly economically. RW's are expensive, especially for a nation on it's knees.

Moving costs are also a bugger, many 2clickers and players will no CC cannot fight because they simply can't afford it. It is limiting what the game offers them, giving eCanadians a disadvantage overall.

TAX. The latest game mechanic that has screwed up everything. We have soldiers who can't even afford to work in their own Q1 food factory to regain energy because the tax is at 20% and cannot be changed until we get congress. This not only hurts players but our MU's. We have to pay out a PAINFUL amount of money to supply our soldiers and because we are wiped our factories lack workers. This is going to be a massive killer if it isn't sorted instantly.

So where does this leave us?

Ahhh yes, the fact that it's a game. Oh what? a GAME? SINCE WHEN?? That's right. This isn't REAL, we are not REAL enemies, this is a GAME. Let me just let that sink in.

If Spain continue to hold Canada we won't die. There will always be players active and fighting so if that it your goal Spain, just give up now. We will grow weaker? Undoubtedly but we won't die.

What gain are we to eSpain?

This is the stupid part. Spain holds no real gain from keeping us wiped, yet they still use the excuse they must protect the UK. Trust me guys, the UK doesn't need protecting.
Spain ignores it's alliance while fighting for CoT nations and focussing on keeping eCanada wiped, purely to destroy our community to the last man. It's not BRAVE, it's not COOL and it certainly isn't 'Boss like'.

What can we do about it?

Spain have recently NE'd Canada again as soon as we have won back a region, they will try and deny us congress once more...
We can unite together, friends, allies, enemies, ANYONE who still appreciates what is right and believes that this is a game for everyone to enjoy. HELP US GET CONGRESS THIS MONTH! HELP US PUSH SPAIN OUT!

Many Thanks
- Pat Harper -