How Can We Make Congress Merit Based? /Political Stagnation

Day 916, 09:48 Published in USA USA by Michael Porter
Congressional Stagnation:

i am stagnant--still and calm,
the one who never changes.
the world dances around me
while i stand paused, waiting
for you to press play to set me
into a frenzy. but still, when all
that changes comes back to me,
i will still be there to lean on. some
say that i am a lake, still and stagnant.

I am not posting this as a call to give congress power but simply to be thougtful over how we might be able to improve congress and by extension enhance the political culture in the country.

I posted this thread in the national forums.

What are the game mechanics of getting people in to congress?

1) Top 5 Party President's nominate everyone to every territory to represent their party.

2) Out of the 5 candidates from each party, the top vote getter gets elected.

What actually happens to get a candidate elected?

1) Party snipes in mobile votes.

2) Individual gets friends to vote

3) People vote for them based on repsect and merit.

4) Mass Messaging

5) Fortress State 2-clickers vote in who has more ads/is already in the lead

What can we do to manipulate the social constructs to get people elected based on merit?

''Expect poison from the standing water''
-William Blake