Day 651, 00:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GLaDOS

now that I have your attention, I would like to show the citizens of the UK my vision for our military and foreign affairs future

WARNING: the following contains a lot of STUFF. (TL😉R at the bottom for the wankers who cant be assed to read the whole thing)

Foreign affairs: (to do list)

1. continue close relations with PEACE.

PEACE has treated us pretty well, and we have a great foundation in the alliance now. I would like to continue our good relations with our allies, and continue to keep us active in the alliance, both on a political and a military level. PEACE is at home now, and we must keep up our relations with PEACE in the world in order to maintain our current standing.

2. Making amends with the other side of the world.

While the UK has some enemies, we currently occupy only one non original region, and the danes dont seem to want it back anyways. As this is true, I would like to start making amends with those who have problems with us. I would like to begin an attempt to normalize relations with the USA and canada. We have no reason to be hostile towards them at this point, and a normalization of relations could be beneficial to both sides on a many levels, including diplomatically and economically.

3.Continue to build our relations with neutral nations of the world.

This is very beneficial to our nation, as you can never have too many friends. Many nations of middling strength are neutral in the massive global wars that exist, and each of these unique nations brings something great to the table. If elected, I would appoint an ambassador to the SOL alliance, the small social alliance that has been created in southeast asia.

Military (a to do list again)

1.Restructuring of the royal guard.

The royal Guard will be restructured immensely. Activity will be checked twice a week, in the form of a PM sent by each RG individual to his CO. Weapons will be handed out by a new method, which involves a secret code that is issued to each RG individual via the UK military portal. The individual will then log onto IRC and send this code to his commanding officer. after this code is sent, the individual will then be issued weapons. Working at a government company will remain a standard for receiving weapons.

2.emergency weapons.

In times of extreme danger, such as when we are in immediate danger of assault by an enemy nation, An emergency IRC channel will be set up, where ordinary citizens can receive guns to defend the nation with. this channel will only be opened up by executive order, and only at the toughest times.

3.continuing the high level of activity of our mobile forces.

The navy and the special forces have seen increased activity in the past few months, and I intend to keep that level of activity high, moving our troops around the world to aid our allies and fight for the british cause everywhere. Our mobile forces are pretty amazing, and I intend to keep our paratroopers and our navy in tip top shape and condition.

4. Increased Formation and organization.

I would increase the level of organization within the paratroopers and navy. Organizing squads with their own IRC channels. Each squad would come online at a certain time and hit the wall together, increasing the unity and organization within the squad, as well as looking much more formidable, hitting the wall together at the same time.

TL😉R: I will continue our great relations with PEACE and make our military even more kickass.