Hey UK! Let's show some love!

Day 787, 21:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by John Forseti

Thanks to our Phoenix allies and France, fighting through our alliances or even moving over here, the wall in the battle for the South East of England was secured with a wall over 2 and a half MILLION points in the positive. Let's show some love for such great friends;

Show your love to: Argentina
Show your love to: Brazil
Show your love to: Bulgaria
Show your love to: Estonia
Show your love to: France
Show your love to: Germany
Show your love to: Hungary
Show your love to: Indonesia
Show your love to: Iran
Show your love to: Latvia
Show your love to: Lithuania
Show your love to: The United Netherlands
Show your love to: Portugal
Show your love to: Russia
Show your love to: Serbia
Show your love to: Slovenia
Show your love to: Turkey

For the UK
For Freedom

See you next time;
- Editor-in-Chief: Lord John Forseti, Duke of Cleveland

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The Prime Minister
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