Helping Hand Needs Helping Hands

Day 909, 01:18 Published in USA USA by USA Welcoming Committee

This is going to be fairly brief.

With Blazix spending his free time chasing women, Ligtreb being in the Marines, and me doing...stuff... we feel that while we are all still actively involved in the WC, it may be time to bring someone on board to the WC team to ensure that our services are provided as quickly and efficiently as possible.

So ladies and gentlemen, here's your opportunity to become part of a team absolutely dedicated to making the eUS better, one citizen at a time.

Basically we're a jack of all trades sort of organization. Some people need moving tickets, others need high Q food/gifts to boost their wellness. Others yet may just have a question that an experienced player would be able to provide.

A WC team member has to be personable and knowledgeable, ready to guide even the most difficult of 'new guys' all they way through the beginning states of eLife.

I am about to link the form for the eUS human resources department, who will provide me recommendations to consider. Do note that by filling out this form, you are effectively putting yourself into a labor "pool" in which any aspect of the eUS government can request your help. This is all the more reason to fill out this form! I only need one helper, other interior programs need more, all requiring various skillsets and time commitments, they're all pulling this country to greatness.

So yeah...anyone interested in helping me, or any other eUS government program, should fill out the for below:

Government Job Interest Notification

If you have any questions/suggestions please let me know,

Unrelated update: Anyone who joined the Republican Party for the TO effort needs to leave the party.