Help Russia! Buy iron-companies in Urals!

Day 626, 16:25 Published in Serbia Russia by UncleDeD
Hello Serbia!

I am e😜resident of eRussia and I’m asking for your help. eRussia is buying Ural now, as you know. And we must buy all eHungarian iron companies in this region from this list

We are asking and proposing you to help eRussia and buy some iron companies from this list.

What will you get

1. eRussia is a dynamically developing and perspective market. Not long ago our population has increased by more than 4 times. Now we are at the 4th place in the population top. And this is only the beginning. We are going to grow further!
2. eRussia is a Serbian comrade. We always have good trading relationships (and we are going to make some form of Alliance, me and Lipec started this work some time ago) and you can always export iron to Serbia - we will never have a war 🙂
3. All Hungarian companies are selling at the price of establishment, without price of licenses, according to the contract between eRussia and Hungary. It means that you can get profit if you buy company already with licenses!

Again: if you're interested, PLEASE, buy only companies from the List

Also we are receiving donations from all people to get Urals here

Thanks for your attention.

Long live Russia!
Long live Serbia!