Help Feed The Poor - Work for The Unity Food Programme

Day 898, 13:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
Official TUP article. Please help us by voting and subbing!

Help Feed The Poor – Work For The Unity Food Programme

As introduced in my previous article, TUP is launching a food programme to help poorer citizens get reasonably priced Q3 food. Please read the previous article for more details.

We’re now looking for workers. Initially we have offers for workers over skill 6, to try to build up a stock of food reasonably quickly. Also, higher skill workers are more likely to be able to afford to work for a reduced wage and be able to maintain the wellness lost from working in a Q3 company. If you’re unsure of how this will affect your wellness, please refer to a wellness calculator. If you're of a lower skill level and would like to work for us and are aware of the wellness implications, feel free to PM the org and we'll open a job for you if we can.

If you want to help the poor, please work for The Unity Food Programme. Even if you can only spare a few days, it all helps.

Current wage offers:
Skill 6 - 10GBP
Skill 7+ - 15GBP

More than enough to live off. So please, help us to help the poorer players maintain their wellness.

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Confused about hospitals and wellness? Read the latest MoHA info
Low wellness? Read up about the British Gifting Hub" />" />
Dan Moir
TUP Party President