Hellokitty has a special meaning for me

Day 891, 14:07 Published in USA USA by Kyle321n
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You say goodbye and I say hello, hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello, hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello

Ohai! I is happy to be Chinese again!

One of my latest articles was deleted and the admins denied my request to restore the article.
If you want to read it, go here

The Battle for Hellokitty brought a special smile to my face today. As many people know the region we all love to call "Hellokitty" has been under PEACE/Phoenix control forever. Or as long as I've been eAlive, but I'm old as dirt. As many people don't know I helped formulate a plan that would have the eUS own Hellokitty back in March of 2009. Over a year later, it's out of Phoenix hands and while it's not American held, it still makes me happy. I'll give you all a little history lesson of why this plan makes me happy, since you probably have no idea of what I'm talking about

Back in February of 2009 I was elected to congress for my 3rd term and as one of the most active members of the Congress I was elected Speaker of the House. I did a lot of things in the public's eye as the speaker to continue on the proud tradition that former speaker ProggyPop started. A few of the things he started and I was able to finish was to set up the committee structure and quorum system that are still used today. Obviously I had a few tweaks of my own, but for the most part this was a joint Proggy-321n agenda for the first month of my SoH term.

In March, I began some serious work with the Director of the CIA, Leroy Combs, and the Commandant of the Marines, Eugene Harlot, on some plans on how we can get a high iron region. I began to look at all of those regions and saw they were either extremely secured in fortresses or they were an allies' region. Well all of them except one. The little region of Heilongjiang has high iron, was under Iranian control and had 3 citizens living in it, all of them dead. There was no hospital, no defense system, and it was wide open for attack. Romania held a ton of the Russian regions as well as quite a few Chinese regions and Iran and Indonesia held the majority of the other Chinese regions. China had maybe 5 or 6 of their regions, but they didn't have much strategic importance and they were extremely weak militarily. Russia and the US had a strained relationship, but with some smart negotiations we should have been able to pull off my

Master Plan.

As you can see back then the only 2 reliable movable branches we had were the Marines and the National Guard's 3rd Division (now the Mobile Infantry). The Army sucked, the Airborne wasn't yet born, the Training Division was the 2nd division of the National Guard, and the Home Guard was the 1st division of the National Guard. I sent this plan off to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the military's OK and Leroy, Harlot, QN20 (Vice Commandant of the Marines), Publius (a Presidential Adviser), and a few others in the room at that time all said "Oh yeah! That's smart" or something to that extent, and I rushed to then President Uncle Sam to inform him of my plans. He loved them, and said he would tell the Secretary of State (I believe it was Publius) to begin negotiations with Russia over a possible land swap. At this time we held a strong advantage over Russia since they had few MPPs signed, and we were massively stronger than they were, so invasion was a possibility that they faced. A swap would be worthwhile for them.

Well the plans seemed to fall through as Uncle Sam brilliantly invaded Mexico. Well some problems arose, his vice president Joe DaSmoe infamously resigned over problems Sam had with listening, and some smuck was named the new vice president, of course until 2 days later Sam was impeached.

Well needless to say, I informed the newest president Scrabman, as an adviser to him and still the Speaker of the House, of the Hellokitty plans. He loved them, and would wait for the perfect time to launch it into play. Unfortunately we were reeling from Mexico, and Romania was getting dominated in the Asian front. Finally on a day in when all sh*t hit the fan, Scrabman attacked Far Eastern Russia. As you can see this didn't work out well, and as well as this loss, Romania lost 2 high iron regions in original Ukraine and Russia. The plans for Hellokitty, at least while Kyle was an adviser, was dead. As many people know the attack on Far Eastern Russia was the reason we had a ton of MPPs opened against us during the invasion.

So those were fails that were caused by past presidents, but now we have Karnataka, and China has Hellokitty. Only Lion King stands in the way of Asian High Iron Regions being in enemy combatant hands. (I count Russia as European, and the regions that are high iron there are closer to Europe anyway, so suck it)

Did I mention that this plan was the first instance of Hellokitty being used as a renaming of Heilongjiang? Yeah, that was my doing, you're welcome for a much easier name to pronounce!

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