Hello there, Australia \o/

Day 928, 15:50 Published in Australia Poland by Mustafa Kemal Atajerk
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51S9Q3NRDDL.jpg" />

I've heard that you have some problems with Indonesian PTO of your beloved kangaroo country. It's funny to see that one of those guys who tries to be like Stevie Wonder, can't go forward without "support" from his beloved Phoenix friends. Few weeks ago, with vingaer we came to conclusion that it would be nice to prank someone. Guess who was found by us to prank - a very known guy with "O" in his nickname owning 3 Media Moguls. He was so horny towards her, so I realised he might be a good target to prank. During our second conversation (first was a chitchat about butts), he asked me for "support" to Indonesian PTO candidate known as sandygee.

You can find the whole story here - I know it looks hilarious, but it's true 🙂. Main hero of this story is now permbanned, looking for Polish babies. I know that this prank looks very unbelievable, that someone would be pranked so hard. But believe me, a lot people with me were ROTFLing during those convos with Mr. O.

http://photo.net/general-comments/attachment/5563843/00good_luck_l.jpg" />
In those hard moments of Indonesian PTO in your country, I wish you good luck. And hope, that banhammer will strike at some multis tomorrow. Let's get rid of Indonesian PTOers in Australia together !