Heilongjiang Falls! EDEN turns the tide!

Day 891, 06:57 Published in Australia Australia by Aeros

In a stunning upset that has left even Admin surprised, the combined forces of EDEN, led by a furious Romanian tank rush, prevailed in the Heilongjiang resistance war. This defeat now puts Hungary at risk of Annihilation. Hungary’s continued independence now falls on Serbia to deliver, thanks to their advance into Romania and Croatia, though the wild card of Poland to Hungary’s North could prove problematic to the Phoenix defense plan. The Poles have launched an offensive against Slovenia, halting their offensive and prompting an intervention by the Italians in order to keep Croatia from continuing its offensive. In Spain, the Brazilian offensive has failed, with a Spanish counter attack and victory in the Canary Islands resistance war. The final front is the Greek offensive against the Turks. While not much damage is going into this war, it is enough to put Turkey in serious danger.


thus was my reaction when I read the news

When North America went to sleep last night, Heilongjiang was comfortably over 1 million points and the Hungarians had clearly decided it was safe enough to try and hold off the attacks on its home regions and push their counterattack on Croatia. What they had not counted on was a return to EDEN’s glory day’s of possessing a really powerful mobile force. The hint probably should have been taken in Western Australia after the Indonesians were completely crushed by the EDEN Mobile forces.

In all fairness to Phoenix, EDEN has been sucking lately. The last major victory by the combined mobile armies of the EDEN Alliance is arguably Nunavut, the last battle in the Canadian Campaign of the North American War. After that war had been resolved, Spain and Poland went on their wars with France and Germany and the Alliance soon began to go its separate ways with national goals. This divisiveness of purpose ultimately led to factional infighting that Phoenix was only too happy to take advantage of. But like the PEACE Alliance before it when they pushed the ATLANTIS powers back together, it seems Phoenix over played its hand by wiping out Poland’s Empire on the eve of that country getting ready to have a throw down with the United States. The end result is a Poland who has, for starters, learned that it can be defeated, and also a Poland out for revenge and more then happy to assist its allies in getting it.

Enter this crushing defeat in Heilongjiang. Words cannot describe how huge a win this is for EDEN. Hungary had the entire nation of Canada wiped out, for the simple goal of being able to swap into Heilongjiang (it was owned by Iran before hand). The United States risked a war with their now allied Bro’s Japan just to reach Heilongjiang, and has had it as a goal since January. Economically, the Province is responsible for a huge quantity of the Iron reserves that support the Phoenix Alliance. It is literally the hub of their wheel when it comes to making Guns. And now it is gone, and it is unlikely that Hungary will be able to figure out a way to recreate the happy confluence of events that had them swapped from Denmark, across the UK, Canada and Russia down into China.


People say that I am not “neutral” enough. Well, I do admit, I love over blowing the good news (for EDEN), like that above. Let me have my party dammit! This is not to say however, that I willfully ignore the bad news.

The Bad news is that Croatia is in a lot of trouble. Poland had launched an offensive against Slovenia to try and halt this locking attack on the Croats. This would mean that once Croatia had defeated the Serbians in the Southern Great Plain, they would once more have initiative and be able to go for the knock out blow on Hungary. This was not to be however, as Croatia holds the province of Carinthia, and thus was exposed to an attack by Italy that did not put the country at risk of activating Croatia’s MPP’s. Croatia ended up with this province due to a well timed retreat by the Slovenian President against the blocking attack the Croatians had launched to try and keep Slovenia out of the war.

This was a very clever move by Phoenix, as Croatia is arguably the biggest threat right now to Hungary’s survival, holding the most activated MPP’s. Unfortunately, Croatia is also the most exposed country in the EDEN Alliance, literally surrounded by Phoenix countries who have made no secret their desire to wipe out the Croats. It is perhaps, a tremendous irony that this intractable Balkan war was what gave EDEN the opening to take down Heilongjiang and Western Australia by splitting the Phoenix Alliance along too many fronts. If Hungary was not serious about trying to wipe out Croatia before, you can bet they are now. A fact that is reinforced by the simple truth that Hungary is now in the same boat as the Croats when it comes to risk of being wiped out. Its all or nothing for these two countries now.


With all the chaos in Central Europe, its easy to forget that eRepubliks newest top 10 country (Brazil) is busy fighting its own offensive war against the Spanish. It is a war that for, inexplicable reasons has failed to progress for the Brazilians, who were soon caught by a counter attack by the Spanish in Andalusia. What had started out as a free gift for Phoenix in the form of Spain getting a war with Slovenia by activating all of Brazils MPP’s could swiftly devolve into a nightmare. With Half of Phoenix now fighting for its survival, a Spanish invasion of Brazil has become a major possibility. For Brazil, this could be an issue as, much like Croatia, they have several hostile neighbors. Peru remains a colony of Poland, while South Africa and Australia to Brazil’s East may be willing to aim some blocking attacks at the Brazilians to insure that they are unable to capitalize on any defensive victories. Of course, to bring Australia into any planned invasion of Brazil, we would have to first declare war on South Africa and be swapped through. Australia would be the most ideal country to play the role of initiative blocker though, as we can swiftly withdraw back behind South Africa if an invasion fails, an option not available to South Africa and Peru.


I have been very harsh with my criticism of EDEN these past few weeks, and this was largely because I had been such an ardent supporter of the old EDEN. I still remembered what the Alliance could do when you had Poland, the USA, Spain, Croatia and Romania show up with their mobile forces to a major fight. They were always epic, and we usually won. To see that well oiled machine devolve into in fighting was very distressing. The icing on the cake, so it seemed, was this implosion in Europe that put the entire Alliance at risk.

However, I failed to account for just how unifying the thought of a national annihilation would be for the Alliance. The way Poland handled the loss of its empire was also a major contributor. And lets not forget a little luck and misplanning by the Phoenix Alliance either. The end result is that the old EDEN is coming back, and this time its Phoenix who is in serious trouble. EDEN has effectively flipped the tables on Phoenix, who just a few day’s ago had seemed poised for a knock out blow. Now, the Invasion of Spain has failed, Western Australia and Heilongjiang have been retaken, and Hungary and Turkey are now at risk of being wiped out. We should also not forget that Serbia, Slovenia and Brazil could also be added to the list now if EDEN is able to push its advantage.