Hei, Admins! are you for real?

Day 2,284, 06:04 Published in Romania Romania by Paul Nedelcu
Law Infringements List

This is a review of the measures taken for each infringement of the eRepublik Laws.
Content Block 1 Forfeit Point Day: 2,284

Thou shall not contaminate the New World with filth such as External advertising, Spam,Insults, Pornography, Vulgarity or Racism.

To see what your next penalty might be, please visit the Laws page on the eRepublik Official Wiki.
Content type: Article
Reason: Spam
Content info:
Paul Nedelcu

Title: 004 pilula de ras!

They suspect that, if I try to have a serial number (lets say: like a trand) for my published jokes on my paper, it is a truly spam content!


P.S. Plato, wake-up! don't fell in to sleep on your pile of money!