HazzN - Running for Country President

Day 495, 03:06 Published in United Kingdom Philippines by HazzN

Hello Citizens of eUK,

It is that time of the month again, the time when we politicians spam the news section with manifestos, statements, and other such garbage. Yes, it is time we started campaigning for the Country President elections, and I am writing to tell you that I, HazzN, will be running again for the prime position in eUK.

Currently, I am not endorsed by a top five party, and only have the support of my friends at the Liberal Social Democrats (sixth ranked party), and so feel far from certain that I will be appearing on the ballot for the election. However, the fun is in the journey,and not the final destination, and so I intend to campaign like the clappers.

Before I get bombarded with hate about not supplying my political views, this is not a manifetso, simply an introduction. Not everyone knows me, and those of you who do, may not be entirly aware of the work I have done for eUK. I am a dedicated, highly active individual, who will not let this country down.

Here is my CV:

West Midlands NHS Director - 2 months
West Midlands Congressman - 2 months
Media Executive for The Unity Party - 3 months
CO of the Royal Guard - 3 months
Under Secretary of Information - 1 month
Under Minister of Finance - current
Co-founder of the Liberal Social Democrat Party
Military Adviser to the Liberal Social Democrat Party
Co-founder and manager of eUK Lottery
Current Member of the House of Lords
Paratrooper B Platoon

As you can see, I have a wide ranger of experience, in Legislative, Military, Domestic and Economic areas. I fully intend to rely on this experience, as well as those of my cabinet to ensure eUK is in safe hands for the coming month.

I hope you will consider me for Country President.