Haters Gonna Hate

Day 1,031, 09:36 Published in Israel Israel by Robbie Lizzini

First off, let me start with some Bar.

Ahh...much better.

Now, it seems that Daniel Ender is starting a one-man crusade to drive out players that immigrate here from eAmerica, because apparently eIsrael is "the land of the jews." I've seen this argument before, and I will say what I said back then.

eRepublik is an online community game, where everyone is free to do as they choose, whether people support it or not. Now, in some cases, people will be jerks (I have a different term, but I'd rather not get forfeit points). We can't forget about the JmatH fiasco. But there are people who come here from other countries to bring their support and their experience to a country that is facing re-development after its last war.

Tell me, is there something wrong with getting outside help? No.

To current events, I can see how Ender wants more support from the RL community. We are all equally important in this country. However, I do not see many of these people active within the game. Therefore, I'd like to urge our cabinet to promote country unity by making things...well, fun. Lets restart the department of fun.

As for where I stand on this current issue, I'm an RL American who STARTED in eIsrael. I did not move here from eAmerica. I could have gone to America and been left as a number, but I want to feel important. Here in eIsrael, I do feel important, even if my role is small. I'm an active member of the community, I give insight without (much) bias, and I'm a fairly laid back person. What gets me is when nonsensical hate is perpetuated on a group that simply wants a change in scenery. Yes, there are people here that simply want political advancement, but you should not let a small group of people create a stereotype for the rest.

We are a small nation.
We need cooperation.
We either stand together.
Or we fall divided.

Choose wisely.

-Robbie Lizzini