Harper for Vermont in September

Day 670, 22:39 Published in USA USA by Aldric Harper

Hey Vermonters! I’m putting up my congressional run in the Green Mountain State this month. I’ve been looking to run here for some time, but there have been a few issues. My first congressional election in game the war broke out. I had been here for about 3 weeks but knew I wanted to go into politics. I was planning on putting some kind of campaign, but the AAP decided to run mostly blocking candidates. Doing my part, I blocked the Hawaii elections (although Hawaii was taken by Indo before the elections). The next month I signed up early for Vermont, but a few days before elections it was taken by Russia. Now I’ve got my shot, I’m taking it and I’m looking for your vote!

I’m going to split this article into two sections – my platform and my qualifications for congress.

Starting with the Platform

I am continually amazed by our military leaders. Today, September 20th, was definitely a day to be proud of. As Gaius Julius accounts, the ‘score’ today was 5-1. This is absolutely incredible. I completely support our military, as should any congress member. I also acknowledge the great support we’ve received from our allies. We have great friends that give us plenty to be thankful for.

As your congressman, I pledge to serve the public in passing information along. There are certain basic principles we as a nation must repeat, to keep all new citizens on the same page. Things like subscribing to the DoD paper, reading presidential updates and asking questions (PM me!) must be stressed to keep the new kids well informed.

Nobody likes high taxes, but we all need to see the necessity of gold in our government. Wars cost money. When/if while I’m in office I’ll push for lower taxes, which I’m sure all of us will look forward to.

A step beyond transparency we always hear about is accountability. I look forward to receiving PM’s from my constituents, fellow congressman or anybody with a question. If you think I’m doing it wrong, let me know! If you have a question, send it over to me! Beyond showing you what we’re doing, I want you, to approach me with any concerns. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find it!

I understand there’s a growing problem with citizenship requests. As your congressman I will put my time in, and encourage others as well, to ensure citizenship requests are handled in a timely manner.

Next let’s talk about Qualifications

I’ve been on eRepublik for almost three months now and I’ve been very active from the start. I’ve been in the AAP almost my whole eLife, and I’ve watched, and taken part, in it’s growth from the fourth largest, to the largest of American parties, where it sits now. I’ve been an active party leader and an active American citizen.

I joined the Training Division my first few weeks in and I was quickly promoted to Corporal, or Squad Leader of Charlie, 5th platoon, 1st division. I managed a group ranging from around 10-15, actively PMing all of them.

For the past three weeks I’ve served as ambassador to eSouth Africa and I’ve published a couple public reports, spent a few hours, total, in their forum and on the IRC. I’ve been on time with all three reports.

What the American public needs are active, energetic congress members. I can provide you with just this style of play. I do stress game mechanics, above any real life baggage. I’m ready and willing to serve as your congressman if you’ll give me the chance.

Please, Vermont, give me that chance.

Aldric Harper