Half-Term Report of the MoFAIT

Day 701, 06:51 Published in Canada USA by JFstpierre

Dear citizens,

Already 15 days past since the last Presidential elections and I didn’t see the time passing by! The Department of Foreign Relations [DoFR] worked a lot during the past few days, and I want to show you some of the current tasks that have been done or some issues we have in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade [MoFAIT].

It is important that our population is aware of what occurs in the world and of what we are working. Communication is not only good for diplomacy, but also for nationwide knowledge! But I won’t give specific actions made when the national security of a country may be compromised. Sorry for the inconvenience.

About International Trade

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expanded its mandate to integrate International Trade. It is a natural composition of this Ministry. (I will try to have courses on eRepublik economy someday! *laughs*. And thanks Eldorino to have begun with it!) The Congress discusses on the economic planning for such trade agreements.


A lot of new members entered the team of the Ambassadors, and I want to thank all our Ambassadors for the great jobs they are doing! I gave an information package to all the new Ambassadors and those who request it to me, so they can know what they have to do. It enhances the Guide of the Ambassador that we already have. Some of them have special requests because of a specific event that occurs in the country where they represent Canada. At all, more than 10 news Ambassadors were assigned, and we tried to fix some internal issues. A lot of work has been done, thanks to my Deputy [Duke Leto], the Deputy Prime Minister [Derek Harland], the Prime Minister [William Duncan] and the Ambassadors!!!

If you want to apply to be Ambassadors, please refer to this threa😛

On Friends, Allies & Enemies: eCanada’s Official Foreign Policy Directive [FPD]


This may be the most important document of the DoFR! It gives an overview on the Canadian stances toward some countries and alliances, it defines the concept of Friend, Ally, Enemy and it explains the bases of our Department: our will to have good relationship with other countries; every country is defined depending on their actions.

The FPD is the source of information for every discussions and negotiations we will have in the future months.

Current work and concerns


As you may have realized ... Canada misses 2 regions. [EDIT: When publishing the article, we were at 3 regions missing. Manitoba was taken back on Day 701 around 18pm EST.] (OK, now that the most obvious is said, let’s talk about serious matters.) I know that the Canadian population is not very keen on having an NAP with Hungary and it is why we try to expose other possibilities. For the moment, both Ministers of Foreign Affairs didn’t agree on a solution. Let’s speak frankly: we have done unbelievable work until now, but we are confronted to a disagreement on our plan, and no proposition has been made by the Hungarian negotiator except for general statements (and a possible retrocession of Saskatchewan). To be general, we won’t pay directly to have missing regions and we won’t sign an NAP for signing an NAP. Hungary understands that, and it’s why we focus on alternatives.

As I write, 2 simultaneous attacks occur in Manitoba and Nunavut. We know it breaks the “good circumstances” for negotiations, but we hope that Hungary will understand that we want to have our regions back as soon as possible. The best solution would be an agreement (possibly economic), but for that, we need the participation of both countries. (Hint, hint ... Mr. MoFA of Hungary, please take this in note.)


India will have a meeting tomorrow (Day 701) with Indonesia and Iran. For your information, Iran has some legitimate Indian regions, and India would like to have them back. There is an historical friendship between both countries, but it seems currently that there is a disagreement on that subject. We request that the sovereignty of India becomes entirely theirs according to their legitimate national rights. We hope they won’t need to do Resistance Wars (as it is here in Canada).

My personal thought about that subject maybe irrelevant, but I write it nevertheless. It would be interesting to know the other countries’ opinions about this, especially those in the Brotherhood of EDEN... Methinks that India may be a good candidate to enter EDEN. Let’s remember that India was almost a member of the late alliance ATLANTIS in the Indonesia-India war. Yes, India wants to remain neutral and has good relations with PEACE GC too, and that’s good like this. But they also have good relations with EDEN countries such as Canada. I consider it would be a great option for them to enter EDEN if the Brotherhood accepts it and if India decides on not being neutral anymore. A difficult decision, of course. For your information, Canada considers India as a Friend according to the FPD.


I am glad to see that Switzerland is back on the map! They hold their first Presidential election and everything occurred well! I congratulate them on behalf of Canada! But things were less good in the Party President election. There was a PTO in the Swiss Liberty Party. The country tries to develop its economy and its new political structure.

South America

It was my wish to develop relationships with South America. But because of my tasks, I didn’t have the time to have a talk with them about this. I know that some people want to have a common monthly meeting including the ALA [LatinoAmerican Alliance], the USA and Canada. The USA had a chat with them about possible MPP and it seems like only Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico will have MPP with the USA because of the borders. The others don’t really see the need in this. I personally think that it may be good to have NAP and/or MPP on our continent AND that the main purpose of any discussion would be the economy. The Canadian market has over-production and the South American shows interest in our market. We already had some requests that are still analysed in our Congress about an aperture of our market. A business structure will have to be set, but I am very confident on our common future.

For my friends in South America, I know that you may fear this kind of alliance or approach, especially after a war in North America. I realize that a NAP isn’t necessary for you, and even though we want a continental security (so situation like the Colombia vs. USA war won’t come back between us), I think there is absolutely more above that vision. Canada and South America are friends since a lot of months, particularly since the war involving Chile and Bolivia. We do want to improve our relation with you, but not only militarily. There is something beyond that.


We will work with many countries in the next weeks. I didn’t mention Australia, Singapore, China, the two Koreas, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ireland and our allies. There is a lot to do and I hope we can manage our RL and virtual lives properly!

Thanks for reading!

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

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