Hail Brothers and Sisters!

Day 1,716, 01:26 Published in India India by DonMogul

eRepublik... I have to wonder whether or not it is this game that is causing me so much bad luck this year.

(1) My girlfriend dumped me in January.
(2) My parents are separating as of January.
(3) On ANZAC day my grandfather passed away.
(4) In early June, I had a car accident which hospitalised me until 2 days ago.

Bad things only happen to me when I play eRepublik but damn it this Indian community I know and love is worth the risk!

I would like to apologise to the DPI for not being there for the EC. I couldn't help it but I still feel very guilty.

I would also like to apologise to the CP of the time who had a very nice ministry lined up for me.

Now I bring you news of my competitions I had running:

Formula One

I hope to continue where we left off. Three teams been removed due to non submission of setups for the entire season. As promised, I step in to take one team. It will be up to you guys to fill in the remaining teams. If you are interested comment or send me a message!

I will be messaging the competitors shortly asking if they wish to continue. If enough say yes, we will carry on. If not, we will start again.


I have decided to cancel this competition. Largely due to a lack of interest from anyone. I'm looking at less than 50 views on YouTube for my WWE videos, which is nowhere near enough for me to even think people are interested.

Its a shame... I had some nice storylines developing...