Hai Thar To Everyone Just Moving In To eSA

Day 697, 14:54 Published in South Africa South Africa by Enoch Root

Hey there,

There's been a handful of people moving in lately, I just wanted to direct everyone to a few things.

Our National forums are here.

We have our national IRC channel on the Rizon server - irc.rizon.net. The room is #esouth_africa

We also have an Economic discussion channel, and a Political discussion channel - #eSA_Econ and #eSA_Politics

Our wargames can be found here. That link takes you to a page found under the Info tab, go to Military Stats. If you click one of the open wars, the Malay-Philo ones, or the Slovak-Czech ones, one of them will have an open battle. It just depends on the time of the day.

Some interesting Stats about eSA are found here.

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If you are currently waiting for citizenship, we apologize for the delay. We do not have very many citizenship passes left. We are try to process the current applications as fast as possible, though.

In the meantime, you can still do basically everything here. You do not need citizenship to work or train or buy things or fight in the wargames. You only need citizenship to vote. So, sorry for the delay on that, but we're nearly out of passes at the moment.

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We are full, active members of Sol. Please feel free to check out the Sol forums.

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If you want to join the Military, we have two branches of The eSouth African Armed Forces:

The Pretorian Guard, and the eSouth African Shock Troopers.

Pretorian Guard stays at home, the eSAST deploys throughout the world.

You can apply to join the eSAAF here:


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Our President is Mr. Steven Bosch, his Vice President is Mr. Luc Praetor.

This is the cabinet.

October Cabinet of eSouth Africa

President: Steven Bosch (Representative to Sol)
Vice President and Chief of Staff: Luc Praetor (Advisory Representative to Sol)

Presidential caucus: Ines Schumacher, Jizzie McGuire, ERDwurm

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Oceanus (Advisory Representative to Sol)
Minister of Liberation negotiations: Ines Schumacher

Minister of Information: Philip Francis Exavier Esquire

Minister of Finance: Enoch Root (Advisory Representative to Sol)
Head of RBSA
Director of Government Companies: OvidiusZa

Minister of Social Affairs and Trade: Frank Furglar
(Frank will also run the eSAHC)
Mentorship Director: Stormclouds
Director of Lotteries: Greyhunter

Head of the South African Armed Forces: Ali Mentary

Minister of Intelligence: zamrg
Director of Immigration: Guss1972

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If you want to apply to help out with anything:

For the Department of Trade ( Somethings involved in working for the DoT are listed here ), and for the Ministry of Social Affairs, please contact Frank Furglar. He needs help in both places.

If you are multilingual, then consider applying to the Ministry of Intelligence. You can fill out an application here:
http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dGFSWWpseWI1RUFrSEFlQU9nS3kyV3c6MA. Zamrg is looking for Media Analysts.

If you would like to see about becoming an Ambassador, then contact Oceanus, our Minister of Foreign Affairs.

If you would like to see about working for the Ministry of Finance, contact me.

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We have several active parties here in eSA,

You can find their forums here:

United South Africa

Associates of General Wellness

African National Alliance (The link I had for this is now the TANA's forum, so I don't have this link, sorry)

South African Gold Party ( My party, I'm the PP here 😛 )
Also, you can find the Gold Party IRC at #GoldParty. If others know the other Party IRC channels, let me know and I'll add them.

Independent Alternative

Liberal Party of South Africa

What used to be the Kaiserlich South Africa. This party is in a transitional stage, and these forums may or may not still be the right ones.

True African National Alliance

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Hope this helps everyone to get started here in eSA. Welcome, and we all look forward to having you here.