Habitat for eHumanity - In need of a home for Christmas?

Day 764, 20:10 Published in Canada Canada by Habitat for eHumanity

Note: This is a repost.

Note:We have a bit of a backlog right now, anyone who has sent a message and awaiting a reply: I'll get back to you as I have time over the holidays.

Before I begin, I'd like to give a BIG thank-you to the generous contributors thus far. We are blown away at the generosity you've shown.

As mentioned in our introductory article, we hope to have three ways to help with housing in Canada...but for our trial run we've decided to focus on housing loans.

First and foremost, these loans are interest-free. They are our way of helping out the new players, and hopefully encouraging the new players to become more active by joining the forums, or even our IRC channel. Part of Habitat for eHumanity's goal is to promote the participation of new players in eRepublik society.

I would encourage any new Canadian to read this article by the Ministry of Education if they haven't already.

A quote from it:
"eRepublik is also a very social atmosphere. Making as many friends as possible, and asking for advice will help you progress. Joining IRC and the message boards can be so valuable in gaining eRepublik help.

Connect to irc.rizon.net and come talk to people in #eCan (you can also accomplish this, by going here). This is a valuable place for advice from more experienced Players. If you are getting stuck and having a problem, it is a place where there are people willing to help you out.

Join the Canadian Forums here. There is alot of useful information. "

Joining the Forums is, in my opinion, one of the more useful things to do as a new citizen. The forums are where all of our government discussion takes place, and where you can easily make new friends and get your questions answered. IRC is for people, like me, that prefer immediate responses. I gained many friends through the use of both IRC and the forums and how I became as involved as I did.

On to the part you've been waiting for, the qualifications you need to get your own Habitat for eHumanity house:
1) We'd like a promise that this is just a loan, and that when you choose to buy your own house, upgrade your house, or unfortunately leave the game that you donate the house back to us.
2) There is no second requirement.
3) PM us here

To help promote the social aspect of the game, we have decided to give preference to those citizens who have signed for the eCanada forums. We might not be able to help you right away, but you will go on a waiting list to receive the next house once we have one. We'd like to ask those that can afford their own house to not take advantage of our generosity, as you'd just be stealing from those who truly need it.

Chamrajnagar and Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith
co-founders of Habitat for eHumanity

Of course we are still accepting any donation you are willing to provide, both large and small, especially money and houses. Thanks again!