H.Nelson - Getting things done

Day 1,341, 23:02 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson

Dear Friends,

This time I come before you with a short report of my previous term as Senator for Queensland, asking for your votes in order to be able to commence my 14th term as your representative.

So without further ado, here's what I managed to accomplish during the past month after an 8-month absence from party politics:

¤ published a total number of 11 quality articles, probably more than anyone else in eAustralia, most of them linked in this article for reference

¤ reached out to the wider public informing people who they can turn to with their various problems

¤ got nominated as Speaker of the Senate immediately upon my return but declined the nomination to be able to concentrate on in-game roles and activities

¤ have been working on strengthening relations with our long-time allies, the Greeks, getting in personal contact with a number of Greek officials including their Country President in the process

¤ handed out supplies financed from my own resources to eAustralians taking part in the Greek liberation effort

¤ ran for Country President on a solid anti-eIndo platform and managed to come quite close to be elected taking 40.65% of votes

¤ tried to put some pressure on eIndos to get them to keep their promises with the dismissive reception further justifying my stance towards them

¤ raised my concerns about the ongoing training war with eNew Zealand, advocating the cessation of all training war activities due to the harm to the eAustralian economy

¤ started a resistance war in order to reclaim the occupied state of New South Wales that was never intended to be handed over to eNew Zealand, and eventually played a major role in the liberation of our capital

All in all, it has been a busy month for me.

What I can offer is to go on with this sort of attitude and to follow the direction set out during my last term. In addition to that I will try to adapt to new circumstances keeping my eyes on the ultimate goal; to make eAustralia a better place and to make eAustralians proud of their nation once again.

If you agree with my goals and appreciate my efforts, please consider voting for me on July 25th.


Commander of the Order of Australia
13-time Senator for Queensland
8-time Party President
3-time Inspector General
Battle Hero in Eastern Cape
Resistance Hero of New South Wales