Guide for newb's [ part two ]

Day 458, 18:00 Published in USA USA by Dwight D. Eisenhower

Well, as promised, here is part two to my guide for newb's. For part one, copy and paste the following: Enjoy!

There are two alliances in eRepublic, ATLANTIS and PEACE GC. The U.S.A. is in ATLANTIS. ATLANTIS is comprised of 10 countries, Canada, Croatia, Finland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, UK, and U.S.A. The 5 strongest [ militarily ] countries in ATLANTIS are the U.S.A., Spain, Romania, Sweden, and Norway. PEACE is comprised of 18 countries, I won't bother to list them all, but some notables are Indonesia, Iran, Hungary, Portugal, and Pakistan. ATLANTIS has the stronger military with 12,250 soldiers and an average strength of 3.74 [ 45,815 potential strength ], as oposed to 9,000 soldiers and an average strength of 3.64 in PEACE [ 32,760 potential strength ]. Some notable clashes between the two alliances have been the war between Hungary and Romania [ in late august ] , and the war between Spain and Portugal [ in early febuary ].

Getting money
Well, other than working, there are other ways to gain money in eRepublic. Once you reach level 6, you get 5 gold. After you have worked for 30 days staight, you also get 5 gold. Bulley's Bookies also offers odds for betting [ if you want to gamble ], here is his latest article with betting odds:
Recently, I was also alerted to another way to earn money: some enterprising individuals in eRep have stared a project they call the vault, aparently you can do a free 3 day trial, and each time you alert someon to the project and they join, you get free money. After the trial, you can pay a one time fee, then you will eventualy make more money... remember, if you join, I alerted you! Here is the adress:

Riddle of the day:
I can turn off the light and get into bed before the room is dark. The light switch and my bed are 12 feet apart. How is this possible? [ 2 USD if you can solve it! ]
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