Guide for newb's[ part one]

Day 455, 17:43 Published in USA USA by Dwight D. Eisenhower

In my second edition, I will be writing a guide for newb's, with topics ranging from buying a house to getting a job. In my first edition, I gave a preview for the March elections, for the article copy and paste this: Enjoy!

The most important thing you have to do in eRepublic is maintain your health. There are several ways you can do this, by eating food, getting a house, setting up a gifting partner, and even fighting. As you get more health, it gets harder to maintain and grow your health. Here in the formula: (1.5 - (current wellness/100)) * (wellness bonus food + wellness bonus house) .

The easiest and most common way of maintaning health is eating everyday. You can buy food at the marketplace everyday. Generaly Q1 food is between 1 and 2 dollars, Q2 food is around 3 dollars, and Q3 food is around 7 or 8 dollars. IIf you are reading this, you should not be buying Q4 or Q5 food. If there is a difference of less than 10 or 15 cents, I would buy local if posible, it helps the economy.

You will not be able to afford a house until you are level 6, when you receive 5 gold. Once you get to level 6, you can buy a house off the market, or the "black market". On the market, a Q1 house is around 330 dollars. There is nothing ilegal about the "black market", It is just players that just bought a Q2 house and have a Q1 house they do not need. They do this through donations, so it is at your own risk. I bought my house from someon who did not need it anymore for only 3 gold. At the exchange rates back then, it was about 300 dollars. Buying off the "black market" may tack a little effort, but you can find great deals. One palce to find great deals is the U.S.A. flea market, in the forums. Copy and Paste this:

Gifting Partner
Another way to maintain health is to get a gifting partner. Once you get to a high health, as I said before, it gets harder to maintain it. So many players use gifting partners. This is when you send your partner a gift or 2 a day, and he returns the favor. This system does not take into acount health, and is more affordable to players that have more than 90 health. You have to have a trustworthey partner, though.

You may be surprised by this, but you can actualy gain health by going to war. If you purchase a moving ticket [ just buy the cheapest, quality does not matter ] and move to Florida, they have a Q5 hospital. This means you gain 50 health every time you heal. So you go to Info, then Military stats, then see if there are a ny active battles the U.S.A. is invloved in. If there is one, click the fight button. Then fight until your wellness is at 50 [ If you begin with less than 40 wellnes, or are under level 5, you cannot fight]. Then, you click on the Go to Hospital button, and if you are in Florida, you will gain 50 health. You should stop fighting then, you can only use the hospital once daily.

Getting a Job
You didn't think food and gifts were free, did you? You need a job to maintain your health. To get a job, go to Market, then Human Resources. If at this moment you have never have a job, go to skill level 0-0.99 If you have worked for at least 3 days in one field, go to 1-1.99 If you have worked for 16 days or more, go to 2-2.99. If you have worked for 26 days or more, go to 3-3.99. As you can see, the higher the skill, the more you get payed. After 26 days, it progresses much slower. You should build up your skill in one area. There are 3 areas, Manufacturing, Construction, and land[ resources].The highest paying is usualy Land [ resources]. But don't imediately pick the highest paying job. There are different quality levels in different companies. The lower a Quality level, the less health working takes from you. So take into account this, too!

Stay tuned for part two tomoro, and hopefully an interview with presidential candiate scrabman!

Riddle:Is is legal for a man to mary his widow's sister? [ two doallras to who solves it]