Guess Who's Back? The Man with a Plan

Day 594, 17:22 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus


Hello my fellow Americans! It feels great to be back in the states. I would like to congradulate President Richardson on a hard fought win. I would also like to say Emerick is Great! With everyday I spent across seas I grew ever more home sick, as I watched events unfold through the eyes of a foreigner. What I discovered is we have forgoten how to have fun. Where has all the fun gone America? Jumping on the failboat and shouting Emerick is Great everywhere we can was not only a way to have fun but to protest the serious disease that has infected most of the US. It's a shame that Americans have to go across seas to have a good time. Ask anyone in the Marines why they haven't left the country or quit the game. Because they have an extra dose of excitment in there eLives. The question is what are we going to do about it? Well it's not up to me, it's up to you America.

Friends from around the New World

Thank you times a thousand. I wouldn't be here today if it were not for all the interesting people I meet while traveling the world. I still crack a huge grin when I hear about drama in North Korea. Haha when will that Worker's Party ever learn? And I spent most of my time in great little Israel which isn't so little anymore. I had the privalege of doing what I have dreamed of doing since the early days of my elife way back in beta. I fought for Israeli independence. The only thing that could top that was when I was elected to Congress(Knesset in Israel) representing the liberated Jerusalem District.
I take pride in the fact that all my proposals passed with over 90% approval. And that I filled all campaign promises the last and most important will be arriving in Jerusalem in about a week. I also had a blast doing my dream job as Foreign Minister. I hope to do it again. Israel will always have a place in my heart because it allowed me to find myself without all the partisan bull. The Knesset is the most unified and efficent legislative bodies I have ever seen. In the halls of the Knesset party affiliation never comes up, and partisan issues are left on the campaign trail. And at the end of the day the best intrests of the country come first.

My Future

I've taken a long break from US politics and now it's time to jump back in and make a splash. Democrats, we have taken big steps but they have been in the wrong direction. We went from a steady rise to a steady fall. We nearly lost the last PP election to a temporary Romanian citizen, because no no one wanted to pick up the torch. No one wanted to lead the party. With help from the UIP we won that election, but we must never let that happen again. We need leadership and we need it now. Some say I am that leader. Some say that I have the power to rally the Democratic base. Well judging by recent events I have to agree. Democrats, if you will have me I will do my best to bring about a new era for the Democratic Party. But I can not do it alone. This is not my party. This is our party. Democrats I warned you that our party was dying from inactivity, and you answered my calls. New faces have popped up like Daniel and Nero Petro, and the older faces of Kyle Galli and James Eggleston. We have to get our messege out. We must not be anti-USWP or Conservative,Republican,Lib,AAP,UIP or any party. We must be progressive, and learn from parties like the USWP and AAP because they reached the point they are by being organized and actively communicating their messege to new citizens.

As your president I will work to improve our organization and election strategy. The best way I know how is to revive the Democratic National Convention or DNC. IRC will be the best location for such an event. I proudly represent our party wherever I go and I encorage you to do the same.
Let the country know that the Democratic party is back and here to stay. Thank You.
