Grumpy OLD Men: 1st Edtion

Day 1,800, 15:46 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sweet Drinker

The world is filled with grumpy old men.
MU's are built upon them.
Large countries are run by them.
Alliances are commanded by grumpy old men.
Even the women are grumpy old men!

There are thousands of players in Division 4, and every last one of us is
a grumpy old man. There's alot more in Division 1 than you might think too.

Seems being old is something to be ashamed of these days.
We have old attitudes.
Our experience is outdated.
We're only capable of old ideas...

or so we're lead to believe.

We old men agree that the youth are part of our future.
But the attitude that we should just GET OF THE WAY NOW is alil hurtful tbh.

We didn't start off this way you know. We were like you once. Young, full of good
intentions, faith, new ideas.

But as we progressed our intentions floundered.
Our faith got compromised.
And new ideas? They don't seem so new after you've heard the same ideas
tabled again and again....

Over time these experiences leave us grumpy... unsurprizingly.
Some might be surprized to here all those experiences leave us with....EXPERIENCE!

Grumpy old men respond to these experiences in a variety of ways. Many just expire never to return.

But lots don't

Lots degrade into trolls. You've all examples of these. They always show up in
the comment sections with a sour comment, and are seldom seen anywhere else.

Some lash out. Seemingly uncaring of consequence for anything they do. Of course, if they really didn't care at all, why are they still here?

A few latch onto a particular ideal of the game and cling to it regardless of where
it takes them. Game industry, military, politics.

I've seen great businessmen run themselves into the ground over industrial idealism.
Soldiers fade from signifigance by ignoring economics.
Politicians' ideals used as weapons against them because they felt pragmatism was a betrayal of their ideals.

Against all odds, some grumpy old men go on to do alot of good for their communities.

The thing all of these grumpy old men share in common is:
you've no choice but to deal with them.

These trolls, these naives, these robbers and cheats, even 'heroes'
you can't get rid of them.
You may think you can drive them outta the country.
But I must inform you: that's not a new idea.
It's been tried, and tried. Defame them, abuse them, report them, hell even ban them.
They just pop up, Reborn_ again.

Many of these guys were HERE long before you or even me.
And when you and I expire, they will still be HERE.

The mechanics of the game actually encourage their continued existance.

There is an important lesson in this:
It's the players themselves that provide the danger in this game.
If you want to succeed here, you must treat them like treacherous features of the landscape.

People talk about the Military Module, the Economic Module, the Political Module.
Trying to break up the game into these convenient 'modules' is delusion.
They are really just aspects of the Intrigue Module.

Erepublik is a game of Espionage.

There are no rules in a world of eternal conflict and espionage.
Here you can only trust what you really know.
And you should always doubt whether your sure of what you know!

Pragmatism is king here.
Even if you believe something, don't gamble on it unless you must.

You've probably seen me giving out on ILP articles recently over their lack of pragmatism.
Failing to use pragmatic security measures cost eIreland dearly.
But that is not the cause for my comments.

It's because the incident did not cause a shift toward pragmatism.

Let me illustrate.

ILP was infiltrated by a foreign player with a documented history of 'respawning' as new players.
(btw I've nothing against foreigners, quite the contrary actually).
He chose the party for it's grand/idealist behaviour which made it much easier to attain power.
Then used that power to cripple the country.

ILP released a statement that they were now running a vetting process on their members before backing them for political position.

Today their official Congress nominations were announced, so let's see how this vetting process is going.

Seamus Kellie, born 20days ago
Comrade Lovely, born 1 month ago
New Zertaxia, born 1 month ago
Buzzgadget, born 21days ago


4 of their top 8 candidates, guaranteed Congressmen simply by virtue of ILP's population, are 1 month old or less.

Now I have nothing against these young players. I'm not accusing them of anything.
Indeed how could I? How could I know anything about them?

How could ANYONE know ANYTHING about them?
How do you 'vet' a player with no history whatsoever?

The saying goes "The Youth are the Future".
But the truth is that "A fraction of the youth are the future".

Wanna grim dose of reality?
Ask a former BootCamp leader for their member-spreadsheet.
It's absolutely riddled with banned accounts.
The proportion of young citizens banned as multies is crazy.

Not real enough for ya?
Log onto the Monetary Market at 4am and watch for an hour or so.
The March of the Multies is in full swing most nights. Watch them cash in their cheated gold so it can be donated back to the main player account.

Get curious! Search some of the suspicious names on there:

Found 15 citizens born on the same day with almost exactly the same name, all cashing in identical amounts of levelling gold at the same time?

Not impressed, contact me when you find a pack of 50+....

Do you have any idea how many lvl20ish multies I've reported?!? Cuz I don't know anymore.

Multying is so prolific that I promise you a estimate of 1 in 10 is conservative.
I'm not saying 1 in 10 players is cheating. I'm saying that those who do are often so prolific that multi accounts represent more than 10% of the total.

I stopped even trying to fight it on the economic market. I had much greater success treating multi gold as simply a function of the world economy..

I'm not supporting multying, or any form of cheating. I'm just saying you need to adapt your play to the fact that there are things out there that you don't approve of, because when there is nothing you can do to stop it, you must defend yourself from it.

Like I said, I'm not accusing those new citizens I listed above of anything unscrupulous.
I sincerely hope they are legitmate players that will grow into pillars of our community.

All I'm saying is: WHY TAKE THE CHANCE?

This game is long. If new players are really dedicated to being part of the community, then they shouldn't mind participating at a level below 'button pusher' for awhile.


^That is what WHS's article is advertising to the world.

Can you put your hand on your heart and say you're certain these players are not security risks?
Of course you can't.

You couldn't even say for certain that I'M not a security risk!
But you can say with certainty I have a documentable track record that strongly suggests I'm a legitmate player
whose loyal to the community..
...despite being a grumpy old man....

What's the odds on this play?
The best you can hope for is a BRAND NEW citizen joining government won't make any serious mistakes.
The worst possibility is they are part of an organized PTO effort.
If that's a hand you are willing to play, I cordially invite you over on poker night!

I'm not suggesting ppl need to be here for years, but surely being able to pluralize 'month' isn't asking too much?

eIrish government is a passenger jet, not a flight simulator.
When you climb in that cockpit your taking responsibility for the welfare of the passengers.

Political parties are meant to act like flight schools.
You study to become a pilot, get your license, and then HESITANTLY join the flight crew.

This bird was flown through a hurricane. Three engines are down right now as it is. We need to limp her back to the airport for repairs.


Look out for "Grumpy Old Men: Edition 2"

Where I will demonstrate how the proposed "CanIre" absorption of Ireland by Canada (or visa versa) would be devestating to all members involved (even if completely voluntarily), economically, militarily, and socially.