Greetings from eChina

Day 901, 06:55 Published in Spain China by C.H.T
buenas tardes


I was assigned to be the eChina ambassador to eSpain.This is my first article in eSpian.I am glad to come here,even I can not speak spanish.

We don't have a ambassador in eSpain for a long time because of lacking manpower.Until now, I
volunteer to come here to strengthen the relation between the two countries.

I would like to share some information about eChina with you.The population of eChina is about 13000 at the moment.Most of us live in the capital Beijing which is high oil and high grain region.Recently, with the support from EDEN and Brolliance,we regain the territory Heilongjiang.It's so exciting for our people.We are very thankful.

Please let me introduce myself.My name is C.H.T which is abbreviated from my chinese name.
I was born in eWorld about 80 days ago.Since then,I have been a member of minister of foreign affair
Please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to answer your questions.
And I am appreciated if someone could tell me your forum and IRC.

Finally, it's the cabinet members of eChina after recently president election:

President of EChina: wangxiaoyaII

Minister of Finance: John Chen

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Xenon Ng

Minister of Defense: mariohexu

There is some landscape picture of china below.

May our good relation last forever.

The eChina ambassador to eSpian