Greetings from China, the United States of America

Day 963, 21:32 Published in USA North Korea by John Chen
Greetings from China, the United States of America!

I, John Chen the incumbent Chinese ambassador to US & Canada, have been expecting to give my greetings to my fellow American citizens for many days. And today, after I have retired from my country's principal official post, finally I got the chance to greet you, thank you and have the greatest esteem for you, my fellow US citizens. Also, I'm still working for the Chinese cabinet as deputy Minister of Defence, and more interesting, the Minister of Finance in North Korea.

In those days we have fought our enemies shoulder to shoulder. In Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, and last but not least, Heilongjiang, we are the witnesses of glorious successes and temporary setbacks.

In those days I have seen you, the honorable US citizens and army did great damages in order to protect the liberty of China. That's why I came here today greeting and thanking you, we Chinese will never forget our friend.

Today together we are facing the eRepublik Rising. Our economy has weakened, our population has decreased, but our friendship is forever, we are still standing side by side. Therefore, I'm here requesting you the US to restart our negotiations of exchanging export licenses suspended last month because our president that time, has been disappearing for several days.

I'm so regret that we didn't come to an agreement before the Rising due to Chinese fault, and I hope the US government can contact me for further negotiations. Thus, the Rifle, Tank companies in US can get cheap Irons in the market, and the House companies in China can get enough Stones, and our economy recovery is coming.

Hail United States of America!
Hail China!


John Chen,
Chinese Ambassador to US & Canada,
Former Deputy Minister of Economy, February - March 2010
Former Vice President of People's Bank of China, February - March 2010
Former Minister of Finance, April - June 2010
Former President of People's Bank of China, April - June 2010
Former Congressman of Shanghai, May - June 2010
Minister of Finance in North Korea, July 2010
Deputy Minister of Defence, July 2010
Deputy Minister of Human Resources, July 2010

Official Newspaper of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of eChina: Chinese Diplomatic Corps