Government makes a BIG Screw Up

Day 1,830, 23:09 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Up until 24 hours ago, the Ranger Bob Government had been moving along swimmingly well.

States were being recovered from Chile (through force), an active Government was in place and the people where looking forward to senate elections for the first time in months.

HOWEVER, about 10 days ago we got a first glance at the chink in the armour of Ranger Bob's Government - the non-ability to provide fast and accurate information during a PTO.

On the eve of the Party President Elections, no information had been officially put out (via the DoI) by the Government to warn of PTO threats.

Luckily, DocterDry2 (now Moist!) put out an article explaining who was genuine and who is a PTOer. This article was copied by a number of citizens to help spread the message.

That said, the most important time for the Government to be active is on election day. That is regular and frequently updated articles, tweets and forum posts to advise where a PTO threat is winning and what parties could 'sacrifice' members to help vote in those other parties to defeat the PTO threat.

Sadly, we lost two parties, including the Australian Independents.

So after this slip up, we hoped the Ranger Bob Government would have learnt from this, and it seemed they had.

On the 23rd of November, with a PTO threat to senate looking very possible, the Government appointed TJ Norton as Senate Elections Commissioner.

One expected this would make things run smoothly... instead, I've just had front row tickets to a big screw up and the finger pointed at the wrong person.

Most of you by now would have seen the article by Green and Gold Party President Wingfield.

It was a truce offer, that soon was withdrawn due to directions given to GGP members by TJ Norton.

Looking at that email at 0900 eRepublik time/ 4am Melbourne time - some 9 hours after it was sent, I find myself (strangely) agreeing with Wingfield - the email was poorly planned.

Now let's look at the facts of the email...

TJ Norton was right in his role to send an email to GGP members explaining his role and which parties are the PTO threat.

HOWEVER he did two things wrong that has cost a party it's legitimate top five spot and oppourtunity to put candidates up for election.

1. The subject of the email and it's contents told members to move to the ANP or ARP. As an Anti-PTO information expert in previous governments, you DO NOT put in the email which party to move to.

WHY? Because (as happened overnight) numbers change. THE CORRECT WAY is to email members warning of a PTO, THEN provide a link to an article with further and UP TO DATE information.

Remember, that articles can be edited and updated to reflect change in party positions and where members are most urgently needed to go.

Overnight, most of the multies were removed, so this effected party positions. In fact the GGP was a LEGITIMATE FIFTH PLACED PARTY, but because TJ's email about moving to the ARP and ANP was out there and the Anti-PTO information was not updated to the public, (at least) five GGP members moved party, thus moving the ARP up to take it's place.

Even more worrying was the suggestion of moving to the ANP, which is a clear and comfortable 2nd place.

SCREW UP? Big time!

2. Included in this email was the message...

And due to the actions of the Party President, the Green and Gold Party has now been declared PTO also

Under what reasons? Because a truce was withdrawn? Because a PP mouthed off (not the first time a PP has mouthed off) or was it because Wingfield didn't want to help with the Anti-PTO measures?

STOP ONE SECOND. If not taking part in Anti-PTO measures makes the Party President a 'PTOer', the technically the same thing could be said for DocterDry2. Cast your mind back to the 'Unity Government' election on the forums. DD2 did state along the lines that the ANP did not support the Anti-PTO Unity Government vote and would instead field hold it's own party vote.

That said, they did help and used a blocking candidate to help, but the point is, he said something similar to what Wingfield has said (just articulated differently), but DD2 was not declared a PTOer.

TL😉R version

The facts are...

1. Wingfield is a loose cannon and mouths off. He needs to be called a D***head, but not a PTOer.

2. It's too late now for TJ Norton to redirect GGP voters back to their party so they can return to the top five, so he needs to resign his position for failing to run up to date and accurate information.

3. Roger Bob on behalf of his Government (who appointed TJ Norton) need to apologise to the Green and Gold Party and it's members for being incorrectly called a PTO and (due to inaccurate information) costing the party it's fifth spot and ability for it's candidates to run in the senate elections.

In closing, please read this article again, not from a personalities point a view (cause of a lot can be said of Detroit and Wingfield and their tactics), but whether the correct process was run and how it cost legitimate candidates the chance to run.

Mr Crumpets.
Future Party President contender for the GGP.
Founder of the GGP.