Got Leadership?: a letter to our punk president

Day 1,427, 13:07 Published in USA USA by Elizabeth Jones

Dear President Alexander_Auctoritas:

Over the past few days, there have been treasonous actions taken place under your empty leadership. Congressmen, officials in your administration as high as the vice president's office have committed a crime to all the erep world. PTOing of the National Conservative Party was completely uncalled for and only shows your weakness as the president of our great nation. You don't deserve that title. Only those who answer the call to represent all Americans are honorable enough to represent me. The act of PTO of any political party is against the law as far as I'm concerned. Again, you are absent from punishing those who act against the freewill of our country and denying the rights of our free man.

At this day and time, I'm really starting to question your patriotism and support for our country. Only weak men would act against their citizens, only because they have a different opinion on how our country can move forward together. The Pizza the Hut/Ajay Bruno witch hunt must end today! It has gone on too damn long. Many of the "evidence" of his alleged troubles have been nothing but fabrications and tall tales told by 3rd party conspirators. I'm not impressed. Photoshop has many tricks and we all love to use them. The long list of zombies who do what they're told is endless. Ever since my first day here in the new world over two years ago, this affair with trying to squash any revolt against the elite and establishment in this country has always been a daily struggle for all. But the remaining fact always stand firm, we will not retreat, will will never surrender.

The daily scare tactic of PTO threats has lost its glamour, especially when our own government do PTOs all the time apparently...especially to fellow Americans. I'm appalled. I demand that you answer your American people immediately and explain the actions of your administration. There is nothing wrong with loyal opposition. But once you crossed the line of violating our free speech and free will, revolution has now become inevitable.

Your fellow American,

Elizabeth Jones
Shadow President of the Libertarian Party