Goodbye America, Hello Canada (Canada)

Day 709, 12:47 Published in Canada Canada by Daniel Hawkins

And the brolliance lives on

Greetings, earthlings that gather here today.

Okay, on to the point. For those of you who know me and care, I’m moving to Canada. Here’s why:

Why Canada, why now?

First off, to make things clear: this was a move I’ve been planning for months, and it has absolutely nothing to do with my party recently dropping out of the Top 5. Anyway, I’m moving, not just for a “change of scenery”, and while that is nice, Canada to me, is what Israel as to Joseph Schmo (for you newbies, Joseph Schmo is a former General of the Army who later moved to Israel and became DoD). My first encounter with Canada was when I was serving as a deputy ambassador to Canada under Jaxon Leith, who would like to apply for the party president position. I became extremely active on their forums, an especially IRC, and been in touch with the government, citizens, congressman, military, anyone you can imagine. Not only are they extremely helpful, they’re awfully nice, funny, and fun to be around. I’ve been in the US now (not counting military deployments) for about one and a half years, longer then maybe 99% our population. Since I retired from the Army, I knew I was going to do this. Canada provides new hope for me in essence of my recent political losses, and I know most people so well I almost know Canada more then I do the US. Canada provides an opportunity to meet new people, new faces, new experiences. It’s a tough mountain to conquer, and a lot of decision has gone into this, trust me. It’s just in the best interest of me to try to conquer a new mountain, and go for a little change in scenery.

My Future

For those of you wondering, I may or may not be moving back to the US – that’s undecided. While in Canada, I will likely pursue a political career, and if I do happen to move back, I bring those experiences with me to further help the Brolliance. I’ve often been used in Brolliance communications. While in Canada, I hope to also share my military experiences with them, by possibly enlisting in the CAF (the Canadian military), or joining one of Canada’s many resistance groups. I offer Canada leadership and experience to bring from the US across the border.

Party Decision

Why’s the use of getting involved in politics with no party? This was a tough decision to come to, and I had three main parties in consideration: Canadian Paradox Party (CPP), Democratic Action League (DAL), and the Canadian Social Democrats (CSD). I have decided to join the Canadian Social Democrats, or the CSD. Led by Nosyt, the king of ~hyuu~’s, and all-around awesome guy, the CSD has some very key members and are usually successful politically. They’re home to a panda (TaiwanPanda is awesome), military and cabinet folks like Duke Leto and Gaidal Cain, and I know I’m leaving out a ton. You guys are great.


I’ve come to Canada not only to find a new opportunity, but a new place to call, home. I hope I can share all my knowledge and experience and bring what I have up North to help our awesome allies. America, I love you. For one last time, as I leave California soil, I say, “goodbye, America”, and ride off into Quebec.


-Daniel Hawkins