Good reasons to rent Titanium Regions - and Bad

Day 968, 09:08 Published in Canada Canada by Rigour6

OK, next time one of our allies ask why we won't rent them a Titanium region, please ask this question:

How much does Titanium cost in your country compared to other raw materials?

You see, the argument being made is that by controlling Titanium regions, we'll be able to drive up the price and get rich at our bros expense. Well, until the military module hits all we can do is speculate about what the demand for titanium will really be, but for now, take a look around.

Here is a snapshot of prices in some markets around the world, all in local units:

Romania: Titanium 8. Stone 9. Oil, and Iron also 8.
USA: Titanium 7. All else 6.
Sweden: Titanium 13, tied for bottom with Iron. Grain 14, Oil 15, Stone 22.
Spain: Titanium 5, same as Grain. Stone 6. Oil and Iron 4.
Serbia: Titanium 9. Stone 10. Grain and Oil 8. Iron 6.
Israel: Titanium 9, same as Iron. Stone 10. Grain and Oil 8.
Polan😛 Titanium 12. Iron 9. Grain 8. Stone 7. Oil 4.

These prices, my friends, do not indicate any sort of shortage for Titanium - and I'll be surprised if we see any persistent difference in Titanium prices over the market average of other raw materials for at least a month. This reflects the economic formula of the game, and the fact that all harvesters compete equally for raw material extraction jobs. If a consistent price differential arises for one of the raw materials, then harvester wages there are pushed upwards as suppliers seek to meet demand.

Right now, ironically, the Raw material business to be in worldwide is Stone, not Titanium. (Trust me, that won't last.)

OK? When Canada finds itself unable to provide sufficient supply of Titanium for our allies' needs, then maybe we'll have something to talk about. Until that date, our allies should chill.

We're providing our allies with all the titanium they want so far, in many cases cheaper then their domestic industries are providing them with other raw materials.

SR Volume 14, Number 3