Good Luck Mr. President

Day 910, 09:07 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Mr. Aleph

Good Luck, Mr. President

After my Ministry of Interior) for not informing us, or perhaps our fault for not paying attention to the information. But the public seems to have been unaware about these recent developments. When I made a phone call to the Presidential Office yesterday, they told me that the President has been advised by the nations doctors and shamans to recalibrate his New World-Real Life balance.

(A health advisor to the President preparing his remedies)
Therefore, it is essential that he undergoes the necessary daily 24 hours of sleep in order to prepare himself in the spirit realm of Real Life for a gargantuan task.
As part of Mr. President’s mystical journey, his Real Self visions have brought him before a very challenging time. Yes, some of us may have experienced this Real Life-threatening challenge before, where one sits for hours on uncomfortable chairs, staring at a blank piece of paper and hoping that the person in front leans a bit to the right so we can have a look at her answers. I am talking about that rite of passage, that Final Boss of the Video Game of High School: final exams…

(The boss of SPM, level 5: Biology)
In retrospect, what was quite miraculous about his sudden awakening into our realm, considering the great difficulty it takes to pull oneself together and deal with twin challenges in both realms at the same time. I hope it hasn’t taken its toll on our President’s spiritual battle.

(Many presidents have failed to deal with their inner spiritual Real-Live avatars successfully, leading to a crisis in both worlds)
On behalf of many others in this nation, I would like to express my deepfelt sincere wishes for your success in your upcoming battle. May you pass with flying colours!

But that still leaves us with a final question. What happened to the rest of our government???????

(Could this be the true face of eMalaysian government? Smoothly running our country’s affairs through Astral Projection?)