Going On A Run For Congress (DC for Louisiana #3!)

Day 668, 17:16 Published in USA USA by Dodgercatcher

Hello and welcome to what I hope to be an excellent article. In this article I will be stating my stances in a very short article on my run for Congress in Louisiana this 25th!

Who Am I?

First I'll be starting with my previous experiences. I would like to note that I was a member of the Conservative Party (CvP) for my first 7 months I could be in a party and only recently switch due to a change in leadership.

CvP Vice-President
CvP Public Relations
CvP Press Secretary
CvP Party Ambassador

Former PP of The Awesome Party
1st Secretary of the Senate
Former Ambassador to Brasil
Former Home Guard QMG
Former Senator of Montana and Louisiana
Former Two Time HG Platoon CO

I am well known for being a Grand Poobah (guy with a lot of titles). But I don't want to base my campaign on it.

Congress Experience

I have run for Congress every month since I had the opportunity, which makes this one 8. I have been around the block when it comes to Congress. I have the experience to be a leader in Congress and take charge if needed. A common problem in Congress id that they get sidetracked and hooked up on one subject and tend to ignore the other problems going on, I am not one of those Senators.


The most obvious of the problems right now is the war with PEACE. For a while we were down for the count and barely surviving. Now we are surging back strong and having pushed Indonesia out and working on Russia. This shows promise as if the sleeping beast inside of us waited until the last stand to come out. I see us getting back all or almost all of our original territories before we stop, going on an attack would be suicide.


You may or may not have noticed how high taxes are right now. These high tax rates are due to the war and our military needing the funding to fight. The government is not being greedy, in fact they are short a lot of money and have had to cut programs and funding to the military because they are using every last penny (no joke!). I can see where you are coming from if you don't like these taxes but they are only temporary and once the war is over I will push for lower taxes.


You may be wondering, "Why should I vote for this guy?" The answer is not simple and not one I can answer completely. The answer I have is that I have the experience, the leadeship, and most importantly the drive to be YOUR Senator Louisiana. I can answer any of your questions and help you out with whatever you might need, just send me PM and I'll be sure to send you one right back!

Yours Truly,
DC - A New Zombie