God Day Pakistan [e.hello]

Day 288, 00:04 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci

I`m in visit in your lovely country , searching for some cheap and good weapons to use in my country war....

I didn't find them but off-course gifts and food is really cheap here , so I get my inventory full

This article is just to say HELLO TO ALL citizen from this country [ 4`th country I visit 😃 ]

Good Luck all

Country I visit / Currency I have / Motive
1. Romania - My Country
2. Japan - Bought my q2 house from there
3. Sweden - Fight in Sweden - Germany war 😃
4. Pakistan - In Quest for weapons becoming a medical mission 😃
5. Thailanda - Visiting a friend : [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-125102.html]Ovidiu_1[/a]

Ofer Wellness : 1 pct costa 0,70 ron ....... lol [ Oferta A Expirat ]

[a url=http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pBeDWVTGDwCkaWOVnh2BXNQ&hl=en]aaa[/a]