Glorified For Congress [Reprint]

Day 943, 16:35 Published in South Africa Canada by Glorified">
Hi, Im Glorified.
Im new here to eSA. In fact, I just moved here a little over a week ago from eUSA. In my stay here i've met some amazing people, all willing to help me get settled in. I joined the army, helped some new people move to Northern Cape, and made some awesome friends, and met some old ones from countries I lived in before.

"Um, Glorified. You have never been a congress member. Why join when your a n00b."
Your right. I have never been a congress member, and I never will unless I get voted in. There always has to be that first one. If I get elected, I am 100% sure, from what I've seen, I will get immediate help if I totally screw up. This is a game, not real life, get some new people into congress, change is good. Take chances.

Now I could sit here and write a long list of what im going to do, what I promise to achieve, why you should pick me... But no one hardly ever reads those 10 page long lectures. Well.. At least I don't. >.>
Anyway, I am going to just go at it with an open mind, by listening to the other congress members, their opinions and I will make my own decision. I will only enforce, vote for, or endorse anything I believe will only help eSA and her lovely citizens.

The 25th, please take a chance and vote for me.