Giving out free weapons to fight in Liaoning

Day 903, 05:03 Published in USA USA by Halfie

Just post in here and when i get back from my College classes ill send between 3 and 5 weps per person. I only have 52 gold to spend so don't go crazy. Only applicable if you have EDEN citizenship or allied to EDEN Citizenship. No need to pay me back

Thats my beagle Buddy. He stayed up at reset to fight for me and is really tired. I have no clue why he is wearing a Santa hat though.

Weapons are 5 USD each and i have 2000 USD. I will only be giving 2-3 weapons per person that way more people get weapons and unless someone would like to help me you can message me. I am sorry for any inconvenience. Like i said you are under no obligation to repay me for the weapons but i wouldnt mind :>
No more weapons gaiz